Poll: Only 37 Percent of Voters Want Joe Biden to Run in 2024

Very few voters want the elderly President Joe Biden to run again in 2024, a Monday Harvard CAPS-Harris poll revealed.

Only 37 percent of voters want Biden to run in 2024, while 63 percent of voters said they did not want the 80-year-old Biden to run for a second term. Broken down by party, 66% of Democrats thought Biden should run, and 14% of Republicans and 27% of Independents agreed. Biden’s overall approval rating is just 33 percent.

If the 2024 Democrat presidential primary was held today, only 37 would vote for Biden. In contrast, Donald Trump would earn 58 percent of the Republican vote if the GOP primary were held today.

In a head-to-head potential matchup, Trump would defeat Biden. Forty-five percent of voters would vote for Trump, while just 43 percent would vote for Biden. A Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll on Friday also showed Trump with a two-point lead.

Trump has constantly polled better than Biden in potential 2024 matchup surveys. Polls herehere, and here, reveal Biden losing to Trump in a head-to-head potential rematch. In fact, an April poll revealed Trump is leading Biden by at least five points.

Trump’s potential ouster of Biden reflects the electorate’s belief that Biden is not mentally able to carry out the duties of the presidency. According to Monday’s polling report, 53 percent of respondents said they had “doubts” about Biden’s mental ability. Sixty-two percent said Biden is not fit to be president because he is too old.

Another factor voters may consider in a potential 2024 matchup is Biden’s corruption. Fifty-eight percent believe Joe Biden has played a role in his family’s business with Hunter and his brother James. Sixty percent say Hunter Biden has sold “influence and access” to Joe Biden throughout his career atop the American government.

A majority (67 percent) believe Joe Biden’s involvement in the family business would warrant impeachment. Reports indicate Joe Biden has been heavily involved in his family’s business.

According to White House visitor logs obtained by the New York Post on Saturday, Hunter’s corrupt business partner, Eric Schwerin, met with Joe Biden at the White House 19 times between 2009 and 2015. Joe Biden was vice president during this time.

The contact between Joe Biden and Schwerin directly contradicts Joe Biden’s repeated claims he was never involved in the family business. The report adds the twelfth instance Joe Biden has been involved in the family’s business scheme.

The poll sampled 1,966 voters from April 20-21.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Source: Breitbart News