Close to half of voters credit President Trump with improving economy

The results of a new poll is showing most voters credit President Trump with jump-starting the economy despite some Democrats trying to give the credit to former President Obama’s past policies.

According to Thursday’s Harris Poll, nearly 50-percent of respondents believe President Trump is the reason why unemployment is at a record low and manufacturing is booming.

On the other hand, only 21-percent of voters think the economy is the result of policies put in place by the former administration.


President Donald Trump addresses the crowd during a campaign rally Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, in Columbia, Mo. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

“I think we are now at the most successful level that the country has ever seen. That’s how we’re doing. And let me just tell you because I hear a couple of the fakers the other day say ‘Well, I think it’s Obama’s economy.’ Obama’s economy? Obama? They want to put on more regulations, they want to take back your tax cuts which are massive. They want to take them back and they want to raise the hell out of your taxes and the whole thing will go boom.” — President Donald Trump

The economy grew by 4.2-percent last quarter despite many in the media saying it would be impossible to achieve.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:13 AM PT — Fri. Nov. 2, 2018