Laura Loomer Climbs Over Wall at Pelosi’s House To Stage Illegal Immigration Protest

By Randy DeSoto

Political activist Laura Loomer climbed over the low wall at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home in Napa Valley, California on Monday in order to establish a migrant “processing center” on the front lawn.

Loomer — who made headlines in November for chaining herself to Twitter’s corporate entrance after being temporarily banned from the platform — told an online audience that she is pleased that Pelosi and the speaker’s nephew California Gov. Gavin Newsom have announced that all are welcome in the state regardless of immigration status.

“I’m just really happy because, I’m being banned everywhere, because the leftists, and the Democrats and these tech giants, they’re just banning me everywhere, so soon I’m not going to have enough money to pay my rent, so I’m probably going to be homeless and need a sanctuary,” said Loomer.

“So I’m just so grateful, because Nancy said, ‘Everyone is welcome here.’”

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The activist recounted that she had been in Otay Mesa, California the previous day where she was able to cross easily into the United States from Mexico because there is no border wall there.

Loomer also brought three people she identified as illegal immigrants with her to Pelosi’s home.

She set up a canopy for her “processing center” spray-painting on it “immorality,” which is how Pelosi described President Donald Trump’s border wall proposal.

Do you think Loomer’s tactics go too far?

She also hung up pictures of those who had been murdered by illegal immigrants, including Newman California police officer Ronil Singh, San Francisco resident Kate Steinle, and Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

Loomer said, “Everyone is welcomed in sanctuary state California” except these and other victims.

Police officers eventually showed up at Pelosi’s property.

An officer told Loomer that she was trespassing and asked to see her ID as well as others in the party.

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“What’s trespassing? I reject those facts,” Loomer replied.

She was clearly poking fun at Pelosi’s reported response to Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen after being briefed at the White House about conditions at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Officers reiterated that Loomer was on private property.

“What’s private property? Is that like crossing over the border?” Loomer said.

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