Paul Ryan Defends Mueller’s Search and Destroy Mission

Paull Ryan Robert MuellerDon Marten |

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan defended special counsel Robert Mueller’s search and destroy mission against President Donald Trump on Monday.

The treacherous Ryan was an adversary of Trump during the duration of the Republican primaries all the way up to the election and cannot be trusted to see that an “America First” agenda or at the very least, the repeal of Obamacare is going to ever become a reality as long as he is the proverbial nigger in the woodpile for special interests.

Ryan’s comments show that when it comes to the best interests of Americans, that he is much more comfortable lording over the House as a gatekeeper for the overlords who control the swamp/sewer.

Any objective observer can see the Mueller has gone totally rogue in his investigation – ostensibly into collusion with the Russians – and is in the process of using the power of the state – and the money of the taxpayers – to preside over a massive dirt digging expedition that won’t end until he has a case that can appeal to enough members of Congress to remove Trump from office.

Ryan doesn’t need any convincing, he’s already there.

According to The Washington Examiner … >>> Read More