Trump’s Illegal Immigration Policy

illegal-immigration-100According to an article written about an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, the Republican presidential hopeful who sprang to the top of the presidential hopeful heap with controversial comments about illegal immigration, is now beginning to lay out his ideas for an immigration policy.

Trump said Wednesday in the interview  that as president he would deport all undocumented immigrants and then allow the “good ones” to reenter the country through an “expedited process” and live in the U.S. legally, though not as citizens. Illegal immigration from all countries is one of Trump’s top priorities.

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Trump’s Presence Makes For Challenging Debate Preparation

Primary-debate-RThe Republican debate, next week in Cleveland will mark not only the first gathering of the expansive GOP field but also the start of a new and unpredictable chapter in an already raucous 2016 race.
Under the bright studio lights on the shores of Lake Erie on Aug. 6, ambitions will be showcased, positions staked, and Donald Trump, who has consumed the summer’s political headlines, will finally be confronted, face to face, by his rivals.

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Trump Leading Bush & Rubio – In Florida!

Trump-thumbs-upNothing can seemingly stop Donald Trump as poll after poll continues to report nothing but good news for the real estate mogul. Most recently a new poll from SaintPetersBlog and posted on the Drudge Report as a “Shock Poll”  adds more fuel to the political fire firestorm that is raging across the country.

The Tuesday survey even discovered that Trump now leads two of his GOP rivals — in their home state of Florida. That’s just unbelievable!

The poll put Trump with 26% of the vote among Republican primary voters in

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Trump Doesn’t Need Koch Brothers Help

Koch-brothersThe Koch brothers are more than distancing themselves from the Donald Trump movement. They have made it clear that he will not have access to the powerful tools in their political arsenal. The surprising position of the Koch brothers was reported in Politico today and the Trump campaign has already answered back; “We don’t need them.”

In the Politico report, the Koch Brothers are not allowing billionaire Donald Trump access to their sophisticated data and analytic services. In addition Donald will be excluded from their annual grassroots summit next month in Columbus, Ohio. Ironically, that event is managed by Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and prosperity for America is what Trump advocates in many of his speeches. Also ironic is that several former AFP employees now work for the Trump campaign.

According to the report, the Koch brothers plan to bar Trump from attending the annual summer soiree of

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What Mark Cuban Said About Donald Trump

Mark-Cuban-likes-donald-trumpEdited from an original post by Chris Cillizza,
Writer of “The Fix”, a political blog (Washington Post)

Politicians aren’t the only ones that change their minds. Mark Cuban initially was behind Donald Trump but has since changed his tune. Some say that he’s jealous that Trump actually did become the nominee.  But this postexplains what Mark Cuban said when Trump first announced.

D.C.Noted Maverick Mark Cuban is a fan of Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy. And, writing on something called Cyber Dust, Cuban succinctly and effectively explained the Trumpian appeal. Here it is:

“I don’t care what his actual positions are. I don’t care if he says the wrong thing. He says what’s on his mind. He gives honest answers rather than prepared answers. This is more important than anything any candidate has done in years.”

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