Obama Says No To Trumps Climate Change Workers List Request

Climate Change

By Dave Boyer | The Washington Times – Tuesday, December 13, 2016

In another sign that the transition isn’t proceeding as smoothly as President Obama professes, the Energy Department refused Tuesday to provide President-elect Donald Trump’s team with a list of federal employees who have worked on climate change programs.

Energy Department spokesman Eben Burnhan-Snyder said a questionnaire from the Trump transition team last week “left many in our workforce unsettled.”

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Electing Trump: Newt Gingrich on the 2016 Election

By Newt Gingrich | FOX News
Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from the new eBook “Electing Trump: Newt Gingrich on the 2016 Election.”

One morning in late January of 2015, Callista and I woke up at the Marriott in Des Moines, Iowa, a hotel where we had spent many nights over the years. This time, we were in town for the Iowa Freedom Summit, the first big event of the 2016 Republican presidential

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CIA Russian Hacking Story Is Left-wing Fake News

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) pledged to support a congressional investigation into whether Russian hacking affected the 2016 election. Republicans have nothing to fear from such an investigation, because they won the election fair and square.
No, Russia is not the friend that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spent several years pretending it was. But the idea that Russian hacking is what coronated Trump is only the latest left-wing opiate — after white

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Bolton Says ‘Russian Hack’ Could Be False Flag

RT – Dec 12 2016 | TrumpKnows.com

Former U.N. ambassador believes “intelligence has been politicized in Obama administration.”

Hacking operations against America’s two major political parties during the election may have been the result of a false flag operation carried out by the Obama administration, despite accusations against Russia, former US ambassador John Bolton says.

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Crowd Cheers Trump At Army-Navy Game

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)


Donald Trump was greeted with cheers on his arrival at the annual Army-Navy game on Saturday, basking in one of the nation’s most storied football rivalries as he prepares to enter the White House.

The future commander in chief, protected by panes of bulletproof glass, waved to the crowd and pumped his fist as he arrived during the first quarter of the 117th game between the military academies at West Point and Annapolis. The game, on a sunny but chilly day, was being held on relatively neutral ground, at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore.

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How African-Americans Will Vote Trump In 2020

African-American-voteBY ROGER L SIMON DECEMBER 9, 2016  | PJ Media

While Barack Obama is complaining about Russian hackers supposedly monkeying with the U.S. election—he’s far more upset with Russia for that than for actually invading the Crimea—and Hillary Clinton is whining about “fake news” (not including her landing under fire in Bosnia), a real revolution is occurring under their noses here in the USA.

Donald Trump is rapidly becoming popular for getting things done. It’s not just the booming stock market. Even Democrats are starting to like him or at least tolerate him … well, some of them anyway.

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Is Donald Trump Already President?

By SARAH WESTWOOD (@SARAHCWESTWOOD)  The Washington Examiner | Edited By George Barron For TrumpKnows.com

President-elect Trump has spent the month since his election victory engaging in some distinctly presidential-style behavior, including engaging with businesses on behalf of the American people, conducting a bit of foreign policy, and delivering sweeping public addresses — all before he holds the authority of the presidency. And the voters are liking what they’re seeing.

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Mad Dog Mattis To Join Trump At Fayetteville Rally

trump-mad-dog-mattisDonald Trump and General James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis board Trump’s 757 to fly to Fayetteville, North Carolina ‘Thank You’ rally. General Mattis was selected by Trump to serve as U.S. Secretary Of Defense.  To take the job, Mattis will need Congress to pass legislation to bypass a federal law stating that defense secretaries must not have been on active duty in the previous seven years. Congress has granted a similar exemption just once, when Gen. George C. Marshall was appointed to the job in 1950.

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Donald Trump Explains Why He Tweets So Much

tweets-trump-tweetingBy Kit Daniels | InfoWars

Over the past several weeks numerous media pundits, some of them completely unknown to the public, have attacked Trump for “tweeting too much,” a complaint of which is a near reversal from when the mainstream media was more concerned about the content of his tweets than the volume.

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