Organized Effort By Left Wing To Bring Trump Down

By George Barron |

There is an organized effort by left wing groups and television commentators  to discredit President Trump and to ultimately remove him from office.  While this effort is completely unwarranted nevertheless it persists because the mainstream media is either complicent or a willing participant.

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Voter Fraud Investigation Called For By Trump

Voter FraudDavid Sherfinski | The Washington Times | Edited By George Barron for

After contentious questioning by the media during yesterday’s press briefing,  President Trump said that  he plans to ask for a “major investigation” into voter fraud. The White House said Tuesday that Mr. Trump believes that between 3 million and 5 million people could have voted illegally in the 2016 election.

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CIA versus Donald Trump but Trump Can Shoot Back

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts |

When I read Trump’s defenders, such as Daniel Lazare, having to balance their defense with denunciations of Trump, I think the CIA’s propaganda is working. In his article, Lazare asks the rhetorical question, “Is a military coup in the works?” He then goes on to describe the CIA and presstitute coup against Trump unfolding before our eyes.

Having described the unprecedented frame-up of the president-elect of the United States by the CIA and the

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A Guide To Trump’s Inaugural Events

Inauguration By Hanna Kozlowska  | QZ

Every presidential inauguration season, Washington DC turns into a party town. From the night before the inauguration through the day itself, there are dozens of balls, galas, and parties that people gathered in the US capital can attend, regardless of their partisan stripe. Real estate mogul Tom Barrack, a close friend to president-elect Donald Trump and head of his inaugural committee, said that the actual inauguration will have a “soft sensuality” and “poetic cadence.” The surrounding blowouts are sure to be more rambunctious.
Here’s a guide to the main events:

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Trump Says “Health Insurance For Everybody” In America

By George Barron |

Speaking about health insurance with The Washington Post on Saturday, President-elect Donald Trump said that his healthcare plan is going to have “lower numbers, much lower deductibles,” and, “insurance for everybody.”

The mainstream press has been critical of any Republican health

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Entertainers Missing The Boat Not Boarding The Trump Train

Jackie EvanchoBy George Barron
Jackie Evancho  won’t be missing the Trump Train inauguration.  But apparently the rumors that others in the music industry and the Hollywood elite are choosing not to perform at Tumps inauguration are true. Today Mr. Trump has taken to Twitter to point out that the ‘not interested’ entertainers are missing the boat by not joining the Trump Train and singer Jackie Evancho.

Trumps ‘deplorable’ followers  are made up of a lot of rock-n-rollers and

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Is CIA Working For Or Against Trump?


It would be more than a little disturbing if we found out that our CIA and other intelligence agencies suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, especially with the inauguration of Donald Trump as our president only slightly more than two weeks away.

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