The press fears exposure of their suppressing facts about immigration

By George Barron

The traditional news media is doing their best to defuse President Trump’s statement to the country tonight (Tuesday, Jan 11 2019) on the immigration problem. They have a two-fold problem.

First, since Trump has continually pointed out that the news media is biased – twisting his words, omitting fact, interpreting his sarcasm literally and even fabricating stories that show him in a negative way – they could

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Top Republicans demanding update on probe into FBI, Dept. of Justice surveillance abuse

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:27 AM PT — Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Top House Republicans are demanding answers from an attorney, who’s looking into allegations of surveillance abuse at the Department of Justice and the FBI.

On Monday, GOP lawmakers on two House committees sent a letter to U.S. attorney John Huber asking for an update on the nine month probe regarding claims of abuse when the two agencies obtained warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

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Immigration Is What It’s About

It’s About ImmigrationBy Dr. Sam Clovis

There is one big promise made by the President that must be kept. That promise is to build a wall on our southern border and to get a handle on immigration into this country. Here is why this is so important.

Today, there are 10.7 million people in this country illegally. Of that number, 50% come from Mexico and another 18% from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. That’s 68% of those here illegally from just four countries. There are some 7.8 million illegal aliens in the workforce, or around 4.8% of the total number of working adults in America today. What is most sobering about many of these numbers is that wholly 66% of illegal aliens have been in the country more than 10 years. If there were ever a greater indictment of how we have managed immigration in this country, that statistic is it.

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Government Shutdown Causing U.S. To Descend into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism

By Daniel Greenfield

The United States of America (1787-2018) came to a swift and sudden end last week as the government shut down. The nation which had survived Pearl Harbor, the War of 1812 and Jimmy Carter ceased to exist.

The savage population, which had only been kept in line through a policy of rigorous gun confiscations, food stamps and lectures on the environment unleashed its pent up rage in a spree of riots, looting and mass murder that had only previously been encountered in Somalia, Russia and a Walmart in downtown Atlanta.

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President Trump announces prime time address on border security Tuesday night

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:57 PM PT — Monday, January 7, 2019

President Trump is set to give his first ever prime time address from the Oval Office amid the partial government shutdown.

On Twitter Monday, the president confirmed he will outline — what he calls — the “humanitarian and national security crisis” on the southern border, during a speech Tuesday night.

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President Trump Engaged In Negotiations By Principle

Trump stands on principle By George Barron

With a Marine helicopter sucking up fuel in the background, waiting for the President to come aboard, Mr. Trump had stopped to answer a few questions from the press. I cringe with embarrassment almost every time somebody from the Washington Press Corp asks a question. They regularly display their ignorance or stupidity at the

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President Trump and Democrats under pressure as shutdown reaches 3rd week

WJ Wire

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