By James Lewis | AmericanThinker
Barack Obama is not a standard American president. For one thing, he has made it very clear that he considers the US Constitution, the greatest blessing of this land, to be an easily trashed piece of paper. Abe Lincoln would have disagreed, but then what did Lincoln know? Today’s Marxo-Jihad activists, who rule our campuses with a reign of PC terror, agree with Obama, and that’s all that counts. Dump the Constitution and follow shari’a law, especially you feminists….
So what is Obama doing by imitating his (false) idea of Senator Joe McCarthy. My, my, Dear Leader is suddenly down on Vladimir Putin. What a surprise.
For “evidence” Mr. Obama trots out phony reports attributed to the CIA and FBI, which are totally under his thumb. Mr. Putin isn’t taking the bait, because he has a lifetime spent learning about provokatsya as a tool of Soviet pressure politics.
And Putin has rejected Communism in favor of the Russian Orthodox Church, with the approval of more than half of the Russian public, which has traumatic memories of deadly Stalin persecutions, priest killing and church-burnings of the Orthodox faithful. Mr. Putin makes very sure to put his photos with the Patriarch of Moscow on the web, to assure his people that Stalin’s persecutions will not happen on his watch. And he promises instant castration to any jihadis who might make trouble (especially the Chechens).
Trump and his foreign policy team are completely familiar with modern, post-Soviet Russia. It’s not a Jeffersonian democracy, but neither are we any more. Russia is a modern mix of Tsarism and realpolitik, something much better than under Stalin, and more economically wise than under Gorbachev. Putin is a pragmatist.
Now look at the world from his point of view. Europe is falling before a jihad terror onslaught, and hasn’t learned even to protect its borders from them, as Japan does. Japan simply does not allow Muslim immigrants into the country. A very traditional solution to protect the homeland.
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