Nude Hunter Biden cavorts with hooker, illegal gun in latest mess for president

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Gun Grabbing Democrat Joe Biden has another mess on his hands, which everyone on his side of the aisle is likely to ignore as usual.

This one involves his son- Hunter Biden, and emerges from Hunter’s abandoned laptop – which we were told by corrupted US Intelligence officials and influential politicians- was all just a bunch of ‘Russian lies’ to make candidate Biden look bad- before the 2020 election.

Of course, the American people know by now that the content that is taken from the ‘laptop from Hell’ is definitely authentically Biden’s and that it holds undeniable proof that points to many state, federal, and national crimes, which conveniently have no consequences for the elite class to which the Bidens belong.

What we know proves that Hunter Biden not only was protected from lying on gun forms and from disposing of guns recklessly in public but that he also likes to play with guns, even though he is a known drug addict with low morals- and his Dad- Joe Biden knows all of that.

But Joe Biden is focused on punishing American families, not his own.

Americans understand the hypocrisy- and today, there is, even more to add to the growing frustration about the Biden Crime Family.

But just for irony’s sake, let us examine how the latest drop from the Hunter Biden scandal shows a naked and likely drug-crazed Hunter parading around a very elaborate space with a gun while his finger is on the trigger and he is in the presence of another person. Well, that is normal- right?

Apparently, Hunter, like his crazy pal Alec Baldwin, didn’t take the NRA safety class. I digress.

Nothing to see here- right?

And of course, this all smacks of ‘guns for me and mine and none for thine’ as his Daddy- Joe Biden shames Americans for their gun ownership and sets out to use his authority as President to grab America’s guns.

The news of this latest gross spectacle of the President’s son comes mere days after Joe Biden’s gun-grabbing speech:

And Joe can’t even get his own gun grab speech to make sense to regular Americans:

Regular Americans know that Biden has been reckless, sloppy and careless.

And here is his own baby- Hunter, who appears to be threatening someone eles’s baby with a gun- because why else does he have his finger on the trigger?:

The New York Post reported on the craziness:

A naked Hunter casually waves around a handgun and even points it at the camera while cavorting with a nude hooker in a swank hotel room, according to video provided to The Post by the nonprofit Marco Polo research group.

The cavalier clip of Hunter Biden holding the apparently illegally obtained weapon emerged amid the rash of mass shootings — and random gun violence in major cities  — that included 11 incidents on Saturday and Sunday alone that left at least 15 people dead and 61 injured across the U.S., data shows.

It also came just days after his dad called on Congress to pass new gun-control measures to stem the slaughter, declaring in a televised, primetime address last week that “the Second Amendment, like all other rights, is not absolute.”

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) slammed the apparent hypocrisy.

“Before proposing or passing any new federal gun legislation the Biden administration ought to enforce existing laws, regardless of who is violating them, even if that person is the president’s son.

“I’ve written oversight letters to the U.S. Secret Service, FBI and ATF regarding the incident involving Hunter’s gun dumped in a trash can behind a grocery store across from a high school in Delaware,” added Johnson, who’s been investigating the Biden family’s controversial overseas business dealings.

“Unsurprisingly, I have not gotten a satisfactory response from these agencies.”

The Post published screengrabs from the video:

The 52-year-old Hunter got cheeky in front of a camera during a twisted session with a sex worker in October 2018.
The 52-year-old Hunter got cheeky in front of a camera during a twisted session with a sex worker in October 2018.
Hunter Biden points an illegally obtained .38-caliber gun as he’s caught fooling around with a prostitute.
Hunter Biden points an illegally obtained .38-caliber gun as he’s caught fooling around with a prostitute.

Hunter Biden recorded the video on Oct. 17, 2018, according to Radar Online, which first revealed its existence. The outlet and a Post source described his companion in the video as a prostitute.

Five days earlier, he bought a .38-caliber handgun in Delaware, Politico reported last year.

In order to make the purchase, Hunter Biden answered “no” to a question that asked, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” Politico reported last year.

Hunter Biden has acknowledged repeated struggles with drug addiction and alcoholism, and Radar’s report included a photo of what appeared to be crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia, including a spoon, on a pair of plates.

Hunter Biden, whose addiction issues and cheating led to his 2017 divorce from Kathleen Buhle, was discharged from the US Navy Reserve three years earlier after testing positive for cocaine.”

Did POTUS Biden know about his son’s behavior?  According to media accounts- yes, Daddy Biden knew. Check out these media reports:

Crackhead MILF And Incest Porn: Hunter Biden Search History Revealed; Texted Pornhub Link To ‘Dad’, Tyler Durdin reported for Zerohedge last week.

“Hunter Biden, who dated his late brother’s wife Hallie, had an obsession with ‘MILF crack cocaine porn,’ lonely widows, and incest fantasies, according to his internet search history covering just six days before his laptop broke in March 2019.

According to the Daily Mail, Hunter also loved filming himself banging prostitutes and then uploading them to his own Pornhub account, “RHEast,” none of which showed Hunter’s face.

But Joe wants your guns, America- while his family is armed- and they complete their crime spree.

Source: The Republic Brief