Nolte: Trump Rally Averages More Viewers Than CNNLOL Primetime

Former President Trump’s Friday night rally won more primetime viewers than CNN’s stillborn primetime line-up.

Yes, it’s one more humiliation for CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and encourages violence.

Despite the war in Ukraine, a collapsing economy, and the likelihood of Roe v. Wade being overturned, CNNLOL was still only able to average 545,000 primetime viewers Friday night. Newsmax, which aired the Trump rally, averaged 579,000 primetime viewers.

Newsmax pulled 738,000 total viewers between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET, with an evening prime-time average of 579,000 viewers.

Laggard CNN peaked at 645,000 viewers during Anderson Cooper’s show, drawing an average audience of just 545,000 on Friday night.

The Nielsen numbers do not tell the full story. Newsmax is carried in 20 million fewer homes than CNN, giving it proportionately a much higher rating than its competitor.

Here’s the rundown for Friday, May 6, 2022:

Total Primetime Viewers / 25-54 Demo Viewers:

Fox News: 2.341 million / 352,000

MSNBC: 777,000 / 76,000

Newsmax: 579,000 / NA

CNNLOL: 545,000 / 91,000

Every hour on the hour, CNN already gets bitch-slapped by its white whale called Fox News. CNN is also losing handily to its fellow left-wing extremists at MSNBC. Can you imagine what losing to the upstarts at Newsmax and the Trump rally has done to CNN’s morale? Just the thought of all that despair makes me want to twirl through the mountains like Julie Andrews on meth.

CNN is a garbage fire of hate, violence, and intolerance, and every CNN humiliation sees an angel get his wings.

This is just glorious. CNN has no hope of recovering even a tenth of its former popularity and reputation unless it fires its smug, unlikable, incompetent, dishonest anchors. And CNN will never do that. So it will continue to slide and slide into even more irrelevance, which will deliver great pleasure to decent people everywhere.

If you’re not enjoying CNN’s despair and humiliation, you have no soul.

Watching CNN collapse is like watching a Nazi or Klansman accidentally set himself on fire — you know, all you can do is laugh.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.


Source: Breitbart News