‘No Party’ For Rep. Liz Cheney, CNN Contributor Hillary Rosen Says

CNN contributor Hillary Rosen said Monday that Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney will have “no party” after her anticipated loss Tuesday in her primary race.

Cheney is set to face off Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman Tuesday evening, with a recent University of Wyoming poll showing Cheney behind 30 points. The congresswoman has faced stark backlash over recent months for her role in the Jan. 6 hearings as well as her vote to impeach Trump, the latter leading to a censure by the Wyoming Republican Party in February 2021. She was also ousted from her role as the House GOP conference chair in May 2021.

“Ultimately I don’t know that it’s going to be enough necessarily to save her,” the host of “CNN Tonight” asked Rosen. “What do you think of these shifting sands?”

“But … Liz Cheney is still anti-abortion. She’s still, you know, has a huge level of conservatism. I don’t think – I think she’s going to be a woman without a party,” the political strategist added. “You know, all these people speculating that she’s going to now become a Democrat or she’s going to run as an independent, or let her be, you know, a vice presidential candidate for the Democrats, I just don’t see any of that.”

“There’s really no party that Liz Cheney is going to be welcome in at this point,” Rosen added. The strategist concluded that it would be “too bad” because Cheney would be remembered in history for performing an “amazing, courageous, valuable service” over the past year.


Source: The Daily Caller