New York Times, Washington Post Collusion With Dems

CollusionCollusion between the Democratic party and the media is alive and well, just as it was during the 2016 campaign. As Democratic Party officials and elected leaders roll out their “rebranding” scheme to try to win back blue collar and rural voters they lost to Donald Trump and his Republican allies last year, they have the full cooperation of two reliable institutions to help them make their case: The New York Times and Washington Post.
By Paul Chesser | Liberty Headlines

Frustrated by their inability to gain traction with voters via allegations about Russian collusion by the Trump campaign, and their failure to win any of this year’s special elections targeting allegedly “vulnerable” Republicans, Democrats came up with a new promotional campaign for their candidates: “A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future.” The party has high hopes for the new mantra as a game changer, issuing multiple alerts to the media in advance and hoping for strong coverage. They are sending some of their highest profile figures to rural Virginia for the rollout:

Today, Monday, July 24th at 1:00pm, at Rose Hill Park in Berryville, Virginia, U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi will lead House and Senate Democrats in formally unveiling their bold, new economic agenda and presenting Americans with “A Better Deal” that will boost wages, lower costs, and unrig the economy so it works for all Americans, not special interests or just the wealthiest few. The Democratic Leaders will be joined at the event by Senators Chris Van Hollen, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, and Mark Warner, and Representatives Ben Ray Luján, and House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chairs Cheri Bustos, David Cicilline, and Hakeem Jeffries.
The Associated Press reported how Democrats are concerned:

Democrats think … >>> Read More