MUST WATCH: Trump Responds To Tucker’s Latest Episode About Him

Former President Donald Trump responded to the most recent episode of Tucker On Twitter from Tucker Carlson, who previously hosted Fox News and called Biden a “wannabe dictator.” Trump agreed with Carlson’s sentiment and blasted the “wannabe dictator” in the White House.

After the former president was indicted by the federal government, a Fox News chyron that referred to President Biden as a “wannabe dictator” sparked uproar from the left and the mainstream media, which was the major topic of Carlson’s segment. The long-time Fox staffer who was in charge of the chyron was ultimately let go, and the network has issued a sincere apology.

“If the banner on Fox was false, why the hysteria?” Tucker asked. “Lies don’t seem to bother anyone anymore. But calling Joe Biden a wannabe dictator, that stung.”

“Just because he’s trying to put the other candidate in prison for the rest of his life for a crime he himself committed doesn’t mean he has a totalitarian impulse. Come on, that’s absurd,” he joked. Without specifically mentioning Biden, Carlson went on to outline some actions committed or demanded by the Biden administration, such as the unlawful surveillance of American citizens, the murder of Ashli Babbitt, and rumors that the IRS is collecting weapons and ammo.

The former president of the United States agreed with Carlson’s speech in a video statement on Friday.

“Tucker Carlson, a very good guy, is exactly right,” Trump began. “The number one reason the totally corrupt Biden Administration and the sick Washington establishment, are after me is because I stand up to their failed foreign policy agenda.”

Carlson contended that the former president is being targeted because he refused to carry out permanent Washington foreign policy objectives and endless wars in his last installment, which was published on the day Trump was officially charged in Miami, Florida. The former Fox News presenter brought up Trump’s memorable exchange with Jeb Bush during a GOP debate in South Carolina in 2016, during which Trump said that the Bush Administration had lied about the presence of WMD in Iraq and that “they knew about it.”

“The one thing Washington cannot forgive is that I put America first, always put America first,” Trump continued. “I have to do that to make America great again.”

Trump continued by claiming that his desire to put an end to the bloodshed in Ukraine was one of the main justifications for his prosecution. Trump has committed to negotiate with both parties and has come under fire for his “refusal” to express his desire for Ukraine to “win.”

“Most recently the warmongers, globalists and deep staters are absolutely livid that I refuse to bend the knee to their next endless war in Ukraine,” Trump said Friday. “I want peace; they want money and they want conflict, even if it means walking us into the brink of World War III. Which, frankly, it is doing and its doing it rapidly.”

“That’s why despite the massive criminality and corruption of the Clintons, the Bidens, the Obamas and all the rest none of them ever get indicted or ever get investigated. They’re totally protected by a fake and disgusting system,” Trump went on to say. “But I did everything right and the system tries to throw me right into a jail. They can’t beat me at the ballot box so they’re out there trying to take me out by other means, anything they can think of. These people don’t love our country.”


Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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