More Leaks Coming: Hackers Claim to Have Breached Hunter Biden’s iCloud Account

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Just in time to hear about the massive drop in Democrat Joe Biden’s approval ratings- again, comes a story to get America back focused on the misdeeds of the ‘First Son” – Hunter Biden.

On Saturday, the news entertained social media users for much of the weekend, that the contents of Hunter Biden’s iPhone had been released to the public. Still, the details actually show some very damaged people- and it is rumored that the Biden family is hiding many hurting people who Hunter has victimized.

Just on Friday, before the Hunter Biden Leak- the New York Post reported that Biden was in trouble:

How low can he go?

In a new national poll, President Biden’s approval rating has crashed to just 30%, its lowest mark yet.

The Civiqs Poll’s daily tracking survey of registered voters found less than a third of Americans giving the thumbs-up to Biden’s on-the-job performance — and a whopping 57% disapproving.

“Joe Biden’s presidency is sinking from a thousand holes in the boat,” said GOP consultant Ryan Girdusky.

The poll, released Friday, found Biden deep underwater with voters in every age bracket, every educational level, and both genders. Every one of those groups showed approval rates under 40%, with the youngest voters, age 18 to 34, among the most dissatisfied at a dismal 21%.

In only two states out of 50, deep-blue Hawaii and Vermont, do Biden’s supporters outnumber his detractors.

Democrats and black voters are the two groups still in the president’s corner, the survey found — and not by much.

Then the iPhone leak happened.

“The contents of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account have allegedly been hacked by users of the 4chan community, who posted screenshots purported to be from his phone and computer on the website’s main political forum late Saturday night, making instant viral news,” reports said.

“Administrators on the image board moved quickly in the hours after the content was posted to pull down threads that included materials from the alleged leak, leaving many on the site, which is known for featuring some of the most salacious subject matter on the internet, furious,” The Western Journal reported.

The memes, mocking the attempts to stifle the news came swiftly as well.

The content from the leak could not immediately be verified by the Washington Examiner who reported at length about the details, and a White House representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

From the WE report:

It was also not immediately clear if the contents of the 4chan leak included any materials from the younger Biden’s infamous laptop, of which the Washington Examiner verified the authenticity earlier this year. The infamous laptop, which emerged into the public view in the final weeks of the 2020 election, contains details about the first son’s financial dealings and personal matters.

Hunter Biden’s financial affairs, including millions of dollars worth of dealings and money transfers tied to countries such as Ukraine, China, and Russia, have been under federal scrutiny since 2018. Hunter Biden, who revealed the existence of an inquiry into his tax affairs just after the 2020 election, previously claimed to be “100% certain” he will be cleared of wrongdoing.

The Washington Examiner was able to confirm the legitimacy of the laptop after obtaining a copy of the hard drive and having it examined by a former Secret Service agent who has testified as a cyber forensics expert in over 100 classified, criminal, and civil matters at the state, federal, and international levels.

Konstantinos “Gus” Dimitrelos conducted a full forensic examination to determine the drive’s authenticity and whether there were any signs of tampering. Using a technique he developed called “digital sandwiching,” Dimitrelos cross-referenced thousands of emails, documents, business records, text messages, Apple Notes, photos, geolocation data, travel records, and other information on the drive to conclude that Biden is the only person capable of producing the data.

“My analysis revealed there is a 100% certainty that Robert Hunter Biden was the only person responsible for the activity on this hard drive and all of its stored data,” Dimitrelos told the Washington Examiner in May. “Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro was not hacked, and the data contained on the hard drive is authentic. Based on the data I examined, there was no manipulation of any photographs, emails, documents, or other user activities.”

The Washington Examiner reported:

Records on the drive reviewed by Dimitrelos show Hunter Biden’s iCloud account was syncing his personal data with his MacBook Pro, iPhone, and iPad when the computer was last used in March 2019. Other records show Hunter Biden’s Apple ID account, which is used to sign in to all Apple services, has been associated with 46 different devices since 2011, including over 20 iPhones, eight Mac computers, nine iPads, and three Apple TVs, Dimitrelos said.

It is not clear if this latest leak, supposedly of the younger Biden’s iCloud, is from the same account connected to the hard drive that was verified by the Washington Examiner.

Here is some of the shocking content found online, that allegedly came from the phone:

Source: The Republic Brief