Matt Gaetz Confronts Crooked FBI Official With One Simple Question About Hunter’s Laptop

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Representative Matt Gaetz pressed the FBI’s assistant director to explain where Hunter Biden’s laptop is and whether or not it may leave the U.S. in a vulnerable position.

“So where is it? The laptop,” Gaetz inquired of Bryan Vorndran.

“Sir, I’m not here to talk about the laptop, I’m here to talk about the FBI Cyber Program.”

“You’re the assistant director of FBI Cyber, I want to know where Hunter Biden’s laptop is. Where is it?” Gaetz demanded.

“I don’t know that answer,” Vorndran answered.

“That is astonishing to me. Has FBI cyber assessed whether or not Hunter Biden’s laptop could be a point of vulnerability, allowing America’s enemies to hurt our country?” Gaetz questioned.

Afterward, Gaetz pointed out that Hunter Biden’s password could be easily hacked and asked whether or not the FBI knew where the laptop was. Vorndran said that Gaetz’s statement was accurate in the sense that the FBI does not know where the computer is.

According to Vorndran, that wasn’t within his sphere of responsibility. Due to Hunter Biden’s business dealings, Gaetz asked if there was concern over how the first family might be compromised.

“I don’t have any information about the Hunter Biden laptop or the investigation,” said Vorndran in response to Gaetz’s questions.

“But should you? I mean, you’re the assistant director of FBI cyber,” Gaetz retorted. “Who should we put in that chair to ask questions about this laptop that FBI has had for three years.”

Gaetz continued pushing, “So you don’t have it, you don’t know who has it, you’re the assistant director…do you even know who has [the laptop]?”

Again, Vorndran said he had no idea who had the laptop.

The hard drive was also added to the Congressional Record by Gaetz on Tuesday.

Rep. Gaetz is introducing a resolution titled “Spook Who Cried Wolf Resolution” which would permanently revoke the security clearances of former intelligence officials who signed a letter alleging that the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were disinformation from Russia.

51 former intelligence officials signed a letter days before the presidential election asserting that Hunter Biden’s emails possessed “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Hunt’s business dealings abroad during his father’s tenure as vice president raised concerns during the election and continue to do so.

As the New York Post published the article on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Twitter temporarily blocked the account from sharing it.

After the lockout, Twitter said that it was a mistake.

In an apparent attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the laptop expose, Gaetz says that each of the 51 signatories of the letter remains committed to its contents, which were portrayed as fact by the Biden campaign.

“We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement – just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case,” reads part of the letter.

“If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.”

GOP Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar, both from Arizona, have co-sponsored Gaetz’s resolution. Dan Bishop, Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Thomas Massie, and Marjorie Taylor Greene are also co-sponsors.

The resolution would strip those who signed the letter including former CIA Director John Brennan, former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta of all future access to classified U.S. intelligence data.

A veteran CIA officer who signed the letter said he doesn’t regret playing a role in swaying the 2020 election for Joe Biden – before backtracking and arguing he was just being sarcastic when he decided to engage in a Twitter spat with Trump’s ex-intelligence chief.

The former CIA official, John Sipher, who retired in 2014 after a 28-year career in the National Clandestine Service.

Sipher, a fierce defender of Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier, is now a co-founder of Spycraft Entertainment and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Last week, Sipher said: “We didn’t say the laptop was fake but that the Russians were spinning the story to create chaos.”

In a tweet on Friday, Sipher remarked about the ethical behavior of public officials. That drew the attention of Ric Grenell, Trump’s former acting director of national intelligence.

In a tweet on Saturday, Grenell wrote: “Didn’t John Sipher sign a letter 3 weeks before the 2020 elections saying don’t look at Hunter Biden’s laptop because it’s Russian disinformation? Now he’s lecturing people about ethical behavior?! These people have no shame.”

Responding to a commenter, Sipher tweeted: “I lost the election for Trump? Well then I [feel] pretty good about my influence.”

Afterward, Grenell tweeted, “Sipher proud he helped swing an election by claiming ‘Russian disinformation.’ I hope the new Republican Congress subpoenas him.”

Sipher responded: “Having you far away from responsibility is a good thing. Subpoena away. You might actually read the letter first.”

He also posted: “I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump.”

Shortly after, Sipher stated: “This is called sarcasm.”

Source: The Republic Brief