Maduro blasts new economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration

Socialist leader Nicolas Maduro takes shots at President Trump, over newly imposed sanctions.

On Friday, the Venezuelan dictator harshly criticized the penalties which were approved this week, which places a limit on the gold imported from Venezuela.

Maduro called the sanctions criminal and crazy, as President Trump gets tough on the regime.


President Nicolas Maduro has urged the Government of Canada, a country with which Venezuela has diplomatic relations since 1948, to “go away” if it “is not interested in Venezuela”. (Photo Ariana Cubillos, AP)

Since Maduro took office, millions of Venezuelans have fled the South American country due to economic turmoil, and government corruption.

“That’s why I say that the sanctions from the imperialist United States government against Venezuela are crazy, demented, crazy, schizophrenic, criminal. But with or without sanctions, Venezuela is moving forward, nobody can stop the growth and prosperity of our people.” – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

The U.S. remains the main oil-importer for Venezuela, but the Trump administration reportedly will consider placing restrictions on current deals, if tensions continue to flare.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:55 AM PT – Sat. Nov. 3, 2018