Liberals Can’t Resist Laughing At Trump Tweets

The Daily Caller’s Noah Pincus tested liberals on how much they miss former President Donald Trump’s presence on Twitter by reading some of his funniest tweets.

The respondents interviewed on the streets of New York City said Trump should not return to Twitter even after Elon Musk said the former president would be allowed back on the platform. Some respondents said they might even delete their account if Trump returns. Pincus then read old tweets by Trump that made even those opposing his return to Twitter laugh.

“Barney Frank looked disgusting—nipples protruding—in his blue shirt before Congress,” one tweet said. “Very very disrespectful.”

“Why would Kim Jung Un insult me by calling me old when I would never call him short and fat?” another tweet said. “Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend. I hope someday that will happen.”

“The Coca Cola company is not happy with me—that’s okay, I’ll still keep drinking that garbage,” a 2012 tweet read. (RELATED: Media Horrified After Trump Tweets Video Body-Slamming CNN)

“I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke,” another said. “The more Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, etc you drink, the more weight you gain?”

Pincus asked one person if she will miss the Diet Coke tweets, which she said “I will miss the covfefe tweet. That was a classic one,” but said she would rather Trump should not be on the platform.

A young couple could not help but laugh at Trump’s John Bolton tweet, which read “John Bolton was one of the dumbest people in government that I ever had the ‘pleasure’ to work with. A sullen, dull and quiet guy. He added nothing to national security except ‘gee, let’s go to war.’ Also released a lot of classified information. What a dope.”

“Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest. Please don’t feel stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault,” a tweet said. The person interviewed sarcastically thanked Trump for telling him not to feel stupid and insecure, then said Trump can say whatever he wants.


Source: The Daily Caller