Organized Effort By Left Wing To Bring Trump Down

By George Barron |

There is an organized effort by left wing groups and television commentators  to discredit President Trump and to ultimately remove him from office.  While this effort is completely unwarranted nevertheless it persists because the mainstream media is either complicent or a willing participant.

Fox News reports that Bill O’reilly lays out the case clearly in his Talking Points Memo. He explained that there’s an effort on the far left wing  to oppose President Donald Trump and get him out of office. Those involved are willing to go to any lengths and stoop to any level to get their message out. Lies and innuendo are the primary method of advancing their anti-american agenda as they foment the false idea that Trump was not elected legitimately.

O’reilly said that it’s clear that many on the left – and in the media – had a vested interest in seeing President Obama succeed, and those same people have a vested interest in seeing Trump fail.

“What Americans have to understand is that there is an organized effort to get Donald Trump out of office,” O’Reilly said.

He pointed to this past weekend’s Woman’s March, which was organized by “far-left groups” that receive millions from activist George Soros.

O’Reilly explained that Soros had ties to 50 groups that attended the march this weekend, and according to the Media Research Center, he pumped $90 million into those groups.

“Some of the top march organizers were members of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Bernie Sanders’ campaign,” O’Reilly said. “This was not some spontaneous uprising. This was a well-thought-out political spectacle, designed to denigrate the new president.”

He said there’s nothing wrong with peaceful protest, but throwing around “insane charges” of fascism and racism just demean out democratic system. The far left is leading the charge but they are not alone.

“It is clear the far left will not give President Trump a chance and will do everything it can to get him out of office before his term is over.”

Then, as if to prove O’reilly’s point, “The View” host Joy Behar ( a left wink activist) says to President Donald Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer, “there’s still time to get out” after he reportedly gave inaccurate information about crowd size at the inauguration.

On Monday, the 74-year-old co-host encouraged Spicer to leave the administration similar to when she told Trump’s senior adviser Kellyanne Conway to do the same. This type of hate speech from the left is becoming commonplace on network TV and in reporting on various internet sights.

“Get out now Sean, get out now,” Behar said. “I said it to Kellyanne [Conway], I’m saying it to you Sean. There’s time to get out. You’ll get a job on CNN trust me.”

There is clearly an organized effort by the left wing to discredit President Donald Trump whenever possible. It is disgusting how the press and leftist groups twist his words, omit pertinent facts and outright lie in an attempt to bring a duly elected President down. It seems that America truly is drifting closer to being a banana republic.