Ken Starr: AG Garland Needs to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Hunter Biden

Former independent counsel Ken Starr on Wednesday called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden’s financial dealings.

Starr told Fox Business Network’s “The Evening Edit” that since the U.S. Attorney of Deleware reports to Attorney General Merrick Garland, who reports to President Joe Biden, Hunter’s father, there needs to be “independence and the appearance of independence” in the investigation.

“There is a grand jury investigation, and the Justice Department is constrained by law,” Starr explained. “They cannot disclose specific information that is before a grand jury. So, that is a real problem in terms of, quote, ‘briefing members of Congress about what’s happening in a live and ongoing investigation,’ but it does raise the question of, well, who is in charge of this investigation? That is a different issue, but that is the issue that I think cries out. As we do find out this information that is implicating at least potentially the president, members of the family and so forth, there is a serious question about how the investigation is being conducted under the auspice of the Justice Department.”

He added, “Is there independence and the appearance of independence? No one needs to question the integrity of the United States Attorney in Delaware who is conducting the investigation. I certainly do not. He is a very respected person, but the problem is that he is part of the Justice Department. That means he is part of the Executive Branch. That means he reports to Merrick Garland. And who does Merrick Garland report to? The President of the United States.”

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Source: Breitbart News