Karen Handel Thanks President Trump – Crowd Explodes

Karen HandelCNN and other media positioned the congressional race in Georgia between Republican Karen Handel and Democrat Jon Ossoff as a referendum on President’s Trump’s effectiveness. Of course the media was pretty much convinced that Ossoff would win – especially after democrat donors gave more than 24 million dollars to his campaign. That’s six times the 4.2 million that the Handel campaign spent.

After making such a big deal about the race, the media had to cover the post election speeches of the candidates. Handel thanked the usual list of supporters then she gave a special word of thanks to The President. Before she could even say his name, the crowd went crazy. They erupted with loud cheers and applause and began to chant, “Trump, Trump, Trump.”

That’s not what CNN and other outlets wanted to show on national television. They had made such a big deal about the race, thinking that ‘their guy’ would win and, just like in the general election, they were wrong.

Apparently, Georgia Republicans and Independents still love Trump.

Watch the reaction of the crowd when Handel thanks President Trump.