Judge Chutkan Absolutely Stick It To Trump In Suprise Monday Morning Ruling

The imposition of a gag order on Donald Trump by a federal judge has been reinstated, as the temporary stay previously placed on it has been lifted. The judge has dismissed Trump’s argument that the gag order infringes upon his constitutional right to freedom of speech.

On October 20, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan temporarily suspended the gag order in response to President Trump’s assertion that its wording was unclear. Furthermore, he requested that the order be on hold while he pursued an appeal to have it completely invalidated by a federal appeals court.

However, in a comprehensive nine-page opinion issued on Sunday evening, Judge Chutkan reaffirmed her previous ruling, dismissing the defendant’s assertions that the order lacked clarity and violated his constitutional rights to freedom of speech. Furthermore, Chutkan observed that a recent speech made by Trump, whereby he criticized his former chief of staff Mark Meadows, would likely contravene the order if it had been implemented.

Last week, President Trump expressed his disapproval of Mark Meadows’ decision to take immunity in order to provide evidence to federal prosecutors, referencing an ABC article. Trump characterized such cooperation as indicative of weakness and cowardice, asserting that any testimony negative to him would be deceitful. Chutkan asserted that this statement would have clearly contradicted her directive, “and for valid reasons.”

Chutkan reaffirmed that her previous issuance of the initial gag order earlier this month was based on evidence indicating that President Trump’s public criticisms of witnesses, prosecutors, and court personnel have consistently led to threats and harassment, thereby compromising their safety and impeding her responsibility to uphold the “orderly administration of justice.” According to the individual, in such instances, the utilization of gag orders has been upheld by the Supreme Court and other legal precedents and regulations as a means to safeguard the public’s interest in ensuring a just trial.

Trump’s “repeated appeals to broad First Amendment values therefore ignores that the court — pursuant to its obligation to protect the integrity of the proceedings — recognized those values, but in balancing them against the potential prejudice resulting from certain kinds of statements, found them outweighed,” Chutkan wrote.

Chutkan pointed out that the order had not been in effect, thus even though the Meadows statement had obvious flaws, she would not act on it. She said that she would wait to draw any conclusions about any potential future infractions until after providing Trump and the prosecutors an opportunity to “provide their positions on the statement’s meaning and permissibility.”

Chutkan provided another instance of Trump’s recent claims that the Biden administration was manipulating the elections and said he would provide “100% evidence” in support of his charges. She claimed that this remark was allowed by the gag order, which permits Trump to claim his innocence and make general accusations about the political motivation behind his prosecution without naming specific prosecutors. Attacks on the Justice Department and President Joe Biden, his political opponent, were specifically permitted by her initial ruling.

The gag order will “put me at a disadvantage against my prosecutorial and political opponents,” according to Trump, who attacked Chutkan as a “Biased, Trump Hating Judge” overnight.

The gag order was placed on the former president earlier this month at the request of prosecutors. Chutkan is overseeing special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump for allegations arising from his attempt to rig the 2020 election. She has said that her plans to handle Trump as a criminal defendant are unaffected by his presidential run.

Trump is accused of planning to obstruct the transition of power even though he lost the 2020 election, in part by launching a massive disinformation effort to put pressure on state and federal officials to thwart Biden’s win. Additionally, he faces charges of planning to hinder Congress’s attempt to uphold the election results on January 6, 2021.

Chutkan also disagreed with Trump and his lawyer, John Lauro, who said the order was unwarranted, unreasonable, and poorly drafted. She said that in applying the gag order to “interested parties,” she was alluding to a recognized legal phrase that covered the defendant, the prosecution, and the attorneys representing them in the case. She noted that her ban on remarks that “target” possible witnesses was equally explicit and meant to cover certain instances that she mentioned during the October 16 hearing regarding the gag order. According to her, the specifics of each case would determine the infractions, which usually included remarks meant to influence a witness’ testimony or utterances that presented a risk to witnesses, court personnel, or prosecutors.

The court declared that before finding that Trump had broken any laws, she would consider the “substance and context” of any remarks.

Chutkan’s ruling is distinct from one that a New York state court judge issued in relation to a civil dispute that targets his corporate empire. The judge there has fined Trump a total of $15,000 twice for disobeying an order to stop making public remarks against the judge’s clerk and other court employees.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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