Joe Walsh loses his Never-Trumper radio show

Never-Trumper Joe Walsh has just announced that he lost his radio show and that he’s bummed about it:

“Some bad news. Looks like I’ve lost my radio show. The network is run by a big Trumper, and he’s wanted to boot me for awhile. Looks like it finally happened.Not surprised, but I am bummed. I thought it was so important to have ONE anti-Trump conservative voice on the radio.”

Bad news? Sounds like great news to me!

Seriously though, how big could his Never Trumper audience have been, especially now that Trump isn’t president? I can’t imagine it was big enough to sustain itself, so my guess is that he was dropped because of poor ratings. Which is something I doubt he’ll admit.

If you can’t cut it Joe, the radio business cuts you!

Here’s a few comments on his tweet:

Source: The Right Scoop