Joe Biden’s Campaign Makes Unexpected 2024 Announcement Amid Trump Indictment

As former President Donald Trump battles attacks from the left, current President Joe Biden can’t seem to keep his head above water in the polls.

Recent polls again show a drop in America’s confidence in the Biden Administration, even as the 2024 election looms nearer and the Democrat’s frenzy to pin something-anything on Trump is evident.

A March poll indicated a drop in President Biden’s approval rating as Americans walking in the nation’s capital gave their own grades on his performance, Fox News reported Monday.

“If there was one lower than F, we’d aim for that,” Brandy, from Ohio, told Fox News. “I think we’re being mismanaged to a severe degree.”

“He represents himself as a puppet,” Brandy added. “Knowing that other countries are seeing that that’s whose been elected to represent us to the world is disheartening because it’s making us look weak.”

According to a March 23 survey by the Associated Press/NORC Center, President Biden’s approval rating has dropped from 45 percent to 38 percent. This marks a decline from his previous record low of 36 percent in July 2021, which was prompted by a 40-year high in inflation.

“As a country, we’re just getting farther in debt, and he’s just not helping out the situation,” Kevin, also from Ohio, told Fox News as he gave the president an F. “Everything he touches goes wrong,” Bill from Tennessee said. He gave Biden an F. Emily, from Alabama, gave Biden a D-plus grade, the outlet reported.

But the low scores do not seem to deter Biden from his plans to run again for the Oval Office in 2024. In fact, insiders are now confirming his plans. According to Axios, which cited people close to the president, Biden is going to hold off announcing for a while longer, perhaps by June or even later this fall. “There’s no mechanism pushing Biden to announce his re-election campaign soon. And there’s no sign he will,” Axios reported.

“Biden’s waiting game has left many ambitious Democrats and would-be staffers with their 2024 plans on hold. They initially thought Biden would launch a campaign soon after the Christmas break, after talking with his family,” the outlet reported.

Axios said that a source close to the White House said waiting has “advantages,” such as allowing Biden to contrast his leadership style “with the chaos in the Republican Party,” though it’s unclear what GOP chaos the source refers to — unless it has to do with the legal issues surrounding former President Donald Trump, who formally declared his candidacy for the Republican nomination in November and is the far ahead front runner for the Republican nomination.

“No Republican candidate or potential candidate will affect our timing,” an adviser for Biden told the outlet, who went on to report that Biden’s campaign is not yet organized, and has yet to even higher a campaign manager or finance chairman, along with other top positions.

“There’s no indication Biden has changed his mind about running for re-election,” the outlet’s report continued. “But if he ultimately chooses to bow out, the late decision could provide an advantage to Vice President Kamala Harris if she wanted to run for president — and it could foreclose options for other Democrats.”

Biden is also looking at legal problems in the future thanks to the Democrat-led indictment of former President Donald Trump, according to several people, Conservative Brief reports.

“All bets are off. You can expect grand jury indictments of leftist politicians like [President] Biden, [former House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer as surely as night follows day,” Tom Fitton, president of the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, told the New York Post.

“You can be sure that there are prosecutors across Florida and Texas right now who are looking for a state law hook into the Biden family,” he added. “And if they’re not, they’re not doing their jobs.”

The First TV’s Jesse Kelly took a similar position on Twitter Friday. “Alvin Bragg is not the end. Alvin Bragg is just the beginning of where we’re going. If you understood that, you’d stop saying things like ‘This can’t happen in America.’ You’d be demanding a GOP AG respond in kind. And respond right now. Nothing else stops this,” he wrote.

The Republican gloves are off in regard to charges being brought against the president now that Trump has been indicted. And, there is much more ammunition that Republicans can do to campaign against Biden.

Throughout Biden’s presidency, inflation has been a major issue as the country experienced skyrocketing prices, with a peak inflation rate of 9.1 percent in June 2022, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Though inflation has since decreased, only 31 percent of respondents in the March AP-NORC poll approved of Biden’s handling of the economy.

“I just feel like a lot of the promises he’s made, he hasn’t fulfilled,” Emily continued, adding that Biden promised to unite the country but has failed miserably at that. “The country is still so divided,” Emily said.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows
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