Joe Biden’s Bizarre Lie: Trump Claimed that ‘Black Folks’ Taking Jobs from Whites

Joe Biden and the Democrats are so desperate to fan the flames of racism that they are just blurting out any nonsense to do it. The latest idiotic blurt comes from mumble mouth himself, the President of the United States. By lying so obviously about Trump saying that black people were taking jobs from whites, he has once again exposed himself as the fraud that everybody knows he is.

Biden flat-out accused former President Donald Trump of campaigning on the idea that black Americans were taking jobs from the white working class, in an interview published Tuesday.

Biden spoke to Atlantic reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere about Trump’s campaign message in an Oval Office interview.

He said:

The people who built the country are the people who are all being left behind. When that happens, and you don’t have a counter-voice to ‘The reason you lost your job is because of an immigrant; the reason you lost that job is because those Black folks are taking your job’ — it opens up the door to the Charlottesvilles of the world.

Biden’s puzzling claim has no basis in reality, as President Donald Trump repeatedly spoke about rebuilding for the working class for all races, and was especially proud of historically low black unemployment numbers.

At a September 2020 campaign event in Atlanta, Georgia, Trump spoke proudly about his record of helping black Americans:

In the first three years, we achieved the lowest black unemployment rate in history. The black youth unemployment rate reached an all time low. We achieved the largest job gains for African-Americans on record. Black Americans saw the largest increase in home ownership. The poverty rate for African-Americans reached the lowest level ever recorded.

Biden said Trump campaigned on “prejudice and division” and claimed his campaign agenda “didn’t have any social redeeming value, as far as I can see.”

But Biden has his own record of weaponizing race, pitting minority groups against each other.

During a virtual call with black civil rights leaders in January, Biden warned them Hispanics would take over.

He said:

My overarching objective — if we cannot make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed. It is doomed, not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European. Hear me? Minority white European. And you guys are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who will make up a larger portion of the population than y’all do in terms of raw numbers.

Biden has a history of speaking proudly of working with segregationists even telling a Southern audience that Delaware “were on the South’s side in the Civil War. He also famously told black Americans during the 2020 campaign, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Source: Breitbart News