January 6 Committee Sends Letter To Ginni Thomas Requesting Meeting In Early July

The January 6 House Committee sent a letter, obtained by the Daily Caller, to Virginia “Ginni” Thomas on Thursday requesting she speak to them regarding “information concerning John Eastman’s plans and activities relevant to” their investigation.

The request comes after Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Democrat from Mississippi, told Axios that the committee thinks “it’s time that we, at some point, invite her [Thomas] to come talk to the committee.” Thompson indicated they’d ask Thomas “soon.”

Thomas, wife to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, then suggested in a statement to the Caller that she’d be open to speaking with the committee, saying she “can’t wait to clear up misconceptions” and looks “forward to talking to” the committee. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Ginni Thomas Says She Looks ‘Forward To Talking To’ January 6 Committee, Wants To ‘Clear Up Misconceptions’)

“The Committee believes that you likely have information relevant to our investigation, and we request an interview with you to discuss your knowledge of certain events and activities following the November 2020 presidential election,” the letter reads. “We respect your privacy, and our questions will be limited to issues relating to January 6th, the activities that contributed to or influenced events on January 6th, and the transfer of power after the presidential election.”

2022-6-16.BGT LC Letter to Thomas by Shelby Talcott on Scribd

The House Select Committee suggested they meet with Thomas “soon,” giving July 6, 7, or 8 as proposed dates. (Disclosure: Thomas did weekly video interviews for The Daily Caller News Foundation until 2018.)

“Please let us know whether one of those dates will fit with your schedule. If you are unavailable on those dates, we can arrange a time during the week of July 11, 2022,” the letter, signed by Chairman Bennie Thompson and Vice Chair Liz Cheney, reads.

The letter also notes that the committee is requesting “documents that are relevant to” their investigation, listing a slew of examples of “documents or communications” that would fit that request.

The January 6 committee asked Thomas, in part, for any “documents and communications referring or relating in any way to plans, efforts, or discussions regarding challenging, decertifying, overturning, contesting, or delaying the results or certification of the 2020 Presidential election” and “all documents and communications with Department of Justice officials or employees related in any way to the 2020 election,” according to the letter.

The letter highlights Eastman, a conservative attorney involved in former President Donald Trump’s push to overturn the 2020 election, and notes it “recently obtained additional information regarding” his activities. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Thomas and Eastman corresponded.

“We are specifically investigating the activities of President Trump, John Eastman, and others as they relate to the Constitution and certain other laws, including the Electoral Count Act, that set out the required process for the election and inauguration of the President,” the letter, signed by Thompson and Vice Chair Liz Cheney, reads. “The Select Committee has obtained evidence that John Eastman worked to develop alternate slates of electors to stop the electoral count on January 6th.”

“In early December, his efforts were in full swing. A federal court recently stated that ‘his and President Trump’s pressure campaign to stop the electoral count . . . targeted every tier of federal and state elected officials,’” the letter continues. “The Select Committee has obtained evidence that you had certain communications with John Eastman during this time period. We believe you may have information concerning John Eastman’s plans and activities relevant to our investigation.”

Eastman published a Substack on Thursday dismissing the January 6 committee’s probe into his communications with Thomas. He wrote that he did not speak with Thomas or her husband about “any matters pending or likely to come before the Court” and suggested that an emailed statement he “reportedly made” about the Supreme Court was separate from his communications with Thomas.

Eastman also published a single email in which Thomas asked him “to give an update about election litigation to a group she met with periodically.” It is not clear whether there are more emails, or how many emails the January 6 committee obtained.

A person familiar with the emails told the Caller that the email published by Eastman is “the only email between him and Ginni” to his “knowledge.”

“To John’s [Eastman] knowledge, this is the only email between him and Ginni,” the person said. “He may have responded yes to invitation, but he can’t find. What was produced to committee re Ginni-john [sic] emails is this email.”


Source: The Daily Caller