‘I have it in my bedroom’: Giuliani claims he has evidence PROVING that Hillary spied on Trump

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

According to Rudy Giuliani, he has evidence showing Hillary Clinton spied on Donald Trump following the 2016 election. A filing from Special Counsel John Durham reportedly supports these allegations.

During a hearing on Friday, Durham claimed he has new evidence that Clinton’s election campaign paid a tech company to ‘infiltrate’ servers in Trump Tower and the White House to create the appearance of a Trump-Russia link.

‘I can’t tell you exactly how, but I know how (Trump) knew about it back then,’ Giuliani told Newsmax TV. ‘There’s a lot more to come out.’

‘They may think it’s gobbledygook, but it’s gobbledygook supported by about 1,000 pieces of evidence, none of which have been revealed yet.’

As Giuliani discussed the evidence, he claimed: ‘I happen to have it in my bedroom, or my den, actually. I’ve had it there for years.’

Durham’s filings indicate that Hillary was seeking to smear Trump by linking him with Russia, a country that had been accused of meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

During the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency, Attorney General William Barr appointed Durham as the Special Counsel for the Department of Justice.

Michael Sussman, the former Clinton campaign lawyer who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent, was the subject of Durham’s motion to investigate possible conflicts of interest. In response to the charges, Sussman has pleaded not guilty.

As Kash Patel, the former chief investigator of the Trump-Russia investigation for the House Intelligence Committee under Republican Devin Nunes, explained on Friday, the filing ‘definitively showed the Clinton campaign directly funded and ordered its lawyers at Perkins Coie to orchestrate a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia,’ Fox News reported.

According to Trump, the investigation of the former president’s ties to Russia revealed the campaign’s spying was ‘treason at the highest level.’

‘It looks like this is just the beginning, because, if you read the filing and have any understanding of what took place – and I called this a long time ago – you’re going to see a lot of other things happening, having to do with what, really, just is a continuation of the crime of the century,’ Trump told Fox News on Tuesday.

‘This is such a big event, nobody’s seen anything like this.’

Trump said he ‘didn’t have any’ information about Durham’s court filing from February 11. Nonetheless, he noted that the Justice Department official found ‘things far bigger than anybody thought possible.’

There have been no responses from Clinton regarding the allegations against her campaign.

In a store in Queens, Clinton, Chelsea, and others appeared to have been filming for approximately three hours before leaving. Hillary refused to answer questions later that day. With heads down and refusing all inquiries, Hillary and Chelsea headed into the busy city flanked by Secret Service personnel.

Video obtained by a reporter shows Clinton waving off questions of whether she had her campaign spied on Donald Trump.

Sussman is accused of explaining to FBI General Counsel James Baker two months before the election that he wasn’t working ‘for any client’ when presented with documents allegedly detailing a ‘covert communications channel’ between Trump’s Organization and Alfa-Bank, the largest private bank in Russia with ties to the Kremlin.

A court filing on Friday from Durham reveals how Sussman ‘assembled the allegations and conveyed them to the FBI on behalf of a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) named Rodney Joffe, employed by a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1), as well as for the Clinton campaign.

To date, no reports or court documents have disclosed the name of the internet firm.

The UltraDNS founder, however, is responsible for one of the very first cloud-based companies to offer ‘domain name services,’ which change a website’s numerical address into a more user-friendly letter-based domain name.

Several DNS servers can access and view their millions of users’ internet histories, such as Joffe’s UltraDNS and Cloudflare, and DNS is often referred to as the ‘phone book of the internet.’

The UltraDNS service was purchased by technology company Neustar in 2006 for nearly $62 million. On LinkedIn, you can see Joffe was employed by Neustar from then until September 2021.

Among the recent projects, Neustar assisted in was a COVID-19 contact tracing program for an unnamed U.S. state, according to the company’s website.

The company’s massive data mining abilities also allowed Scandinavian airline SAS to significantly reduce its marketing cost by finding the most targeted and effective ways to reach customers.

Sussman’s ‘billing records’ reveal that he ‘repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations.’

In addition, Sussman and the Tech Executive (Joffe) met with another lawyer who served as General Counsel to the Clinton campaign. This lawyer is identified in the article as Marc Elias of Perkins Coie.

Josse also worked with Sussman at the request of Clinton’s campaign to ‘assemble the purported data and white papers’ – in other words, to gather evidence that would tie Trump to Russia.

In his report, Durham reports that Tech Executive-1 talked about trying to please certain “VIPs,” which is thought to be a reference to the Clinton campaign.

Source: The Republic Brief