Howard Stern Considering Running against Trump in ’24, wants To End Electoral College

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

The recent SCOTUS decision to overturn 1973’s Roe v Wade and send the questions regarding legal abortion back to the states has brought out comments from all sides.

Radio talk show host Howard Stern has jumped on the topic, in addition to his comments on other political topics.

Stern has been a “shock jock” on-air since his college days at Boston University and became nationally syndicated in 1986.

His special brand of shock journalism and comedy has included a biographical comedy film in 1997 as well as authoring three books and producing late-night television shows, pay-per-view events, and home videos.

Stern now airs his radio shows on Sirius XM Satellite Radio since 2006.

Dubious honors for Stern include becoming the Most Fined Radio Host due to his Federal Communications Commission fines of around $2.5 million to station owners for content it deemed indecent.

Stern has become known for a quote in his film, “Private Parts” in which a researcher and radio station producer are discussing Howard’s ratings:

“Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes a day. The average Howard Stern fan listens for – are you ready for this? -an hour and twenty minutes.

Producer: How could this be?

Researcher: Answer most commonly given: ‘I want to see what he’ll say next.’

Producer: All right, fine. but what about the people who hate Stern?

Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.

Producer: But, if they hate him, why do they listen?

Researcher: Most common answer: I want to see what he’ll say next.”

In the past, Stern has thrown his hat in the political ring, Fox News continued.

In 1994, the radio and television personality ran as a libertarian in New York’s gubernatorial race.

At the time, he had about one-third of the 15,000 signatures needed to get his name on the ballot.

His platform at the time was pass the death penalty, let road crews work only at night, and stagger highway tolls to prevent traffic jams.

His slogan in that race was,” A volt for every vote.”

Stern also promised to resign as soon as those pledges were fulfilled.

However, Stern would later drop out after the state Supreme Court signaled to Stern that he would have to disclose his personal finances in order to run for office.

Despite his self-declared ability to run the country, it seems Stern was not inclined to offer transparency about himself and his finances.

Now, Stern is once again weighing in on the SCOTUS decision and the next presidential election.

Stern first singled out Clarence Thomas, who he described as a “dormant Darth Vader” waiting around for “other kooks” to join the Court. He also said that overturning Roe v. Wade was “horrible,” citing women who find out their child has birth defects, women who are raped and the questionable quality of some forms of contraception, Fox News reported.

Stern must not be keeping up with the exceptions noted in state discussions across the county.

And Stern feels maybe it is time once again for him to consider a place in American leadership for himself.

Stern said in the recent broadcast that it may be time for him to run for president and revealed several things on his political checklist, Fox News continued.

“I’m actually going to probably have to run for president now,” the SiriusXM host said Monday on the “Howard Stern Show.”

Should he run for office, Stern said he would put an end to the Electoral College, a longtime subject of angst for liberals. However, as president he could not unilaterally do this, Fox News noted.

“I am going to do the very simple thing that’ll set the country straight: one vote, one person,” Stern said.

Stern apparently does not realize that the United States is a Republic and that the Electoral College prevents highly populated areas from controlling the entire county.

Stern’s radical aim to disband the U.S. electoral system was spurred by his claim that Donald Trump lost the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton.

“A guy who lost the vote won the election,” Stern said. “How long can we keep electing people who lost the election?”

Again, back to civics class, Howard.

At one point in the show, Stern claimed that the issue facing most presidents is that their agenda is too big. But Stern’s agenda is much smaller in scope, although vague, Fox News continued.

“The only agenda I would have is to make the country fair again,” he announced, before segueing into criticism of the conservative Supreme Court justices.

“The other thing is, if I do run for president, and I’m not f—–g around, I’m really thinking about it — because the only other thing I’m going to do is appoint five more Supreme Court justices,” Stern said.

Fox News noted that last year, Stern said should he face off against Trump in 2024, he would “beat his a–.”

Source: The Republic Brief