How Many of Those Thousands of Illegal Chinese Young Men Biden Let into America Are Drone Operators?


At least 36,000 individuals from China, many of whom are young men of military age, have entered America illegally since President Joe Biden repealed the secure border left to him by his predecessor and successor in the Oval Office, Donald Trump.


Let’s not forget that hundreds of individuals known to be terrorists have also entered the country illegally as a result of Biden’s throwing the border doors wide open to all comers. And those numbers only account for the individuals known to have crossed into the U.S. illegally.

There’s also this fact: nobody knows with any certainty how many more — hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands? — individuals associated with terrorist groups and/or nations in addition to China that seek to destroy the United States of America are among the legions of “got-aways.”

That statement is based on official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data published by the House Committee on Homeland Security, which observed in an October report that:

“Not only are more suspected terrorists illegally crossing our borders, but apprehensions of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border have also increased over 1,000 percent under the Biden-Harris administration, compared to FY2017-FY2020. These encounters have included individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army, according to information obtained by [DHS Committee] Chairman [Mark] Green (R-Tenn.).”


Which raises an obvious question:

How much longer must the American people wait for President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, outgoing FBI Director Christopher Wray, and the impeached Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to come clean about why they seem to be doing nothing about those thousands of drone sightings around and above U.S. military and intelligence facilities here and abroad?

As Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos recently told the journalists who are driving the credibility of his newspaper into a bottomless pit, “reality is the undefeated champion.”

Here are five facts that collectively point to a dangerous reality that can explain those drone sightings that began a month ago:

  1. The drone sightings are virtually all above, around or in the near-vicinity of key U.S. military and intelligence facilities, including particularly important ones in New Jersey, Virginia, California and Nevada.
  2. Many of the drones observed by thousands of citizens, as well as local and state law enforcement officials, are large devices, often described by those observers as being “as big as an SUV.” Amateurs don’t operate such devices for fun.
  3. Such drones can be designed and operated as extremely dangerous reconnaissance and subversion devices, gathering and transmitting mountains of electronic, digital and photographic intelligence at far less cost than spy satellites and other traditional methods.
  4. Collecting information about facilities such as nuclear missile silos, naval port operations, counter-intelligence locations, supply depots, and research and manufacturing assets is by definition done for the purpose of targeting for destruction.
  5. China has, since the Clinton administration in the mid-1990s, flouted export controls of sensitive U.S. defense and other technology, conducted a staggering variety of intelligence operations against this country, notably including hacking operations penetrating dozens of government agency systems, as well as an unknown number of spies gathering classified documents. Check out this Newsweek summary of a tiny slice of the most recent examples of Chinese subversion.
  6. Biden allowed a Chinese intelligence balloon to traverse the entire U.S., spending days above countless military facilities including Minuteman nuclear missile and SAC manned bomber bases. For reasons known only to him, Biden didn’t order the balloon to be shot down until it passed beyond the East Coast.


Taken together, this fact pattern points to a reasonable and terrifying possibility — these drones in the U.S. are being operated for intelligence purposes by Chinese illegals and abroad by Chinese intelligence assets.

This country has never before knowingly experienced anything like the balloon and drone invasions of sovereign U.S. airspace seen during the Biden administration. The leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that controls Beijing and the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) knows that the man who becomes president on Jan. 20, 2025 would react totally differently from Biden.

Which suggests that the massive number of drone sightings is evidence of a mission that must be completed before that date.

That leaves us with a stark question: what happens after the mission is finished, but before Trump becomes commander-in-chief? 

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