OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion
According to sources, Hillary Clinton is set to speak at the New York State Democratic Party Convention as part of her efforts to ‘galvanize the party’, amid speculation that she will run again for president in 2024.
People familiar with the event told CNBC the former presidential candidate will speak to party leaders in New York next week.
‘She’s beloved by the mainstream members of the Democratic Party and her popularity is likely higher than that of President Biden,’ a source confirmed to the outlet that Clinton will speak at the event.
‘It’s good for her because it keeps her relevant and her appearance is likely meant to galvanize the party and the audience.’
New York State Democratic Party chair Jay Jacobs’ chief of staff, Chris Melnyczuk, revealed the party ‘reached out to a number of people to speak and, you know, we’re waiting back on confirmation from a number of people. So there are a few things in the works.’
‘We’ve reached out to a number of folks, we’re not going to say who we’ve reached out to,’ he said in response to whether Clinton was among the speakers invited.
President Biden’s approval ratings are plummeting, making it likely that his administration could lose Congress in the midterms amid speculation that Clinton will run for president in 2024.
The approval rating of Joe Biden dropped below 40% this week for the first time since he took office.
Biden’s standing was measured by an average of 304 surveys taken from January 2020 until now by Real Clear Politics.
Based on their poll, the President is approved by 39 percent and disapproved by 54 percent.
A former top adviser to Bill Clinton stated last month that there is a “good chance” she will run for the presidency in 2024 if the current administration loses Congress in the midterm elections. Clinton has said she will not run for political office again following her 2016 defeat to Donald Trump.
According to Dick Morris, a Clinton-Trump rematch is almost certain if the Democrats fail to pull off the successful results in November’s election, alleging this would lead the party to turn against Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden.
‘There’s a good chance of it,’ Morris said on WABC radio before praising Clinton’s campaign strategy, which could lead to another competition with Trump.
There is growing concern among Democrats that unhappiness with Biden’s presidency could cost them their majority in Congress. In the event that Republicans gain control of the U.S. House or Senate, Biden’s legislative agenda will likely be thwarted, and he will be left with lame-duck status.
Morris noted: ‘Hillary has set up a brilliant, brilliant strategy that nobody else is able to do.’
He added: ‘What she’s done — at a point at which no Democrat is willing to come out and criticize Joe Biden, but all Democrats are disappointed with him and have to realize the ultimate correctness of our accusations that he was incompetent to be president — she has set up a zero-sum gain with him.
‘The worse he does, the better she does because she’s positioned herself as the Democratic alternative to Biden.’
Though Clinton has not yet indicated whether she plans to run for president in 2024, she has publicly criticized the current administration’s efforts, contending they ‘mean nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive’.
The Democratic Party need candidates who can win in purple states, she said in December, if it wants a Congress that can ‘get things done.’
As centrists grapple with fringe groups that promise ideological purity and generate headlines, her comments reflect divisions within both parties.
In the Democratic Party, this means those who come under the label of the so-called Squad of progressives, including Ocasio-Cortez and Omar.
‘I think that it is a time for some careful thinking about what wins elections, and not just in deep blue districts where a Democrat and a liberal Democrat or so-called progressive Democrat is going to win,’ Clinton said.
‘We’ve got to be very clear eyed about what it’s going to take to hold the House and the Senate in 2022. And to win the electoral college because also Republicans are doing everything they can to create an environment in which winning the Electoral College, even narrowly the way Joe Biden did will be out of reach for Democrats,’ she said in December, only a few weeks after her party lost the governor’s race in Virginia.
Furthermore, she said she understood why politicians would want to argue for their personal priorities.
‘But at the end of the day, nothing is going to get done if you don’t have a Democratic majority in the House, in the Senate, and our majority comes from people who win in much more difficult districts and our majority in the Senate comes from people who can win in not just blue states and hold those wins … but can win in more purpleish states,’ she explained.
‘So this is going to be a very intense period, not just for the Democratic Party, but for the country.’
Source: The Republic Brief