Here’s How The Wuhan Virus Started And Why Another Is Coming

We now know that the Wuhan virus was deliberately designed by the Chinese military as a bioweapon. It’s not a conspiracy anymore. And it never was. It was the truth. It was the truth in February of 2020 when Steven Mosher said so in a New York Post article and it is the truth now.

For saying the truth, he was banned on social media and cancelled by the usual suspects, who called it a conspiracy theory. It turns out that those who called it a conspiracy theory, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins of the NIH and others, were in fact engaging in a conspiracy themselves. They were busy covering up the truth about what happened. And the truth is that they were funding (ignorantly) China’s bioweapons program in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, located in Wuhan China, which just happens to be the epicenter of the pandemic that we’ve been living through.

What Mosher said in 2020 was based on his 40 years of studying China. He was among the first American dignitaries to enter China back in 1979 and 1980. He knows China like the back of his hand. He has lived there and he speaks and writes Chinese fluently. It was very clear to him, at the outset, what was going on.

The only surprise to Mosher was that the United States was funding most of the project and had trained the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) military scientists how to genetically  engineer dangerous corona viruses. It was incredibly stupid to do that.

The question is, was it an accidental release of the bioweapon or an intentional release?

Mosher explains the back story. He explains that China saw how dangerous corona viruses were back in 2003 when SARS was released and found to be a killer corona virus. Of the  8,098 people that were infected worldwide, 774 died in the U.S. That’s when research began on the possibilities of using corona viruses as a population bioweapon. They sent their scientist,  Professor Shi Zhengli, over to the University of Texas lab in Galveston and to the University of North Carolina lab, run by Dr. Ralph Baric. That’s how she learned that it was possible to genetically engineer corona viruses to make them more deadly and infectious.

And that’s what she was doing with Tony Fauci’s funding (American taxpayer money) through Peter Dasack’s Equal Health Alliance for years. She published a whole series of articles with Ralph Berrick , Peter Daszak and others. In the articles she explained how she was succeeding in making the virus more infectious and more deadly.

Then there was a ‘secret speech’ during a meeting of the PLA’s bioweapons program leaders. Afterward, the Major General said, “We have the spear, now we need the shield.” The spear was the killer corona virus. The shield would be the vaccine. You need a shield to protect your own people. Mosher believes that the Chinese were working on the shield (a vaccine) at the Wuhan lab when the virus was leaked. If a vaccine is lousy, people can actually get the disease that it’s suppose to be protecting them from.

So the vaccine trials at Wuhan messed up their master plan but the PLA improvised with an alternative to do most of what they set out to do: Infect the rest of the world. Once the virus had spread within the city of Wuhan, it was released, quite deliberately, around the globe by sending plane loads of infected people to places like New York, Milan and Madrid and other cities which had some of the earliest outbreaks of the Wuhan virus. Meanwhile, the genetics of the virus that once appeared on a Chinese scientific website, mysteriously disappeared from the internet, making it more difficult for other countries to develop a vaccine. The Chinese stil held out hope that they would profit from developing one.

In sum, the Chinese military developed a bioweapon with U.S. funding. They were working on a plan to infect the world but needed a vaccine to first protect their own population. While working on the vaccine it escaped the lab and infected Wuhan. The Chinese went ahead with their plan to infect the world even though they couldn’t protect their own population. The virus was spread around the world as quickly. The result was millions of deaths and multi-trillions of dollars in economic damage.

Steven Mosher is highly concerned that if the world doesn’t demand reparations from China for the devastation that they caused, the families that have suffered, the businesses lost, they will simply do it again. Why wouldn’t they? Mosher is certain that the Chinese bioweapon program is still fully operating and they are perfecting another corona virus bioweapon. It’s probably lurking in a test-tube somewhere now, maybe even at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, where we haven’t been allowed to inspect despite many requests.

China has learned that their plan was tremendously successful and they will do it again unless the price is too high. We have to make China pay for what they did.`  We should not make the mistake of thinking that they aren’t working on more devious and deadly genetic changes to the virus.

The world needs to pay attention. President Biden has given no sign that China will be held to account for the horror that they have inflected upon the world. That means another virus will be coming.

Books By Steven Mosher on Amazon

Based on a Steven Mosher interview by Bill Cunningham


Source: InfoArmed