Hannity Drops Bombshell About Mar-a-Lago Security Cameras After FBI Raid

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

John Solomon, the founder of Just The News, appeared on the Sean Hannity show to talk about a blistering new report that Solomon says proves Democrat Joe Biden was behind the political FBI raid of President Donald J. Trump’s family home in Florida earlier in August.

Solomon slams Biden, the Democrats, and the entire administration for what looks like a massive setup against Trump- again.

The news of what Biden knew and when comes after a shocking report about what was captured on the security cams at Trump’s home and what they captured the FBI doing at the time of the raid.

Hannity reported on that in mid-August:

“The Biden White House knew about the raid and then lied about what they knew,” Hannity said, introducing Solomon to give the details of his newest report, slamming the FBI further.

Solomon clearly laid out to Hannity that the situation was even worse than Biden just knowing about the raid; Biden was behind the raid- according to Solomon.

“Not only that, but the Biden White House is at the ignition point of this investigation,” Solomon told Hannity.

Below is a transcript of the exchange between Hannity and Solomon:

Hannity: Breaking news surrounding the raid at Mar-a-Lago. According. According to a brand-new report, the Biden White House, get this, facilitated this ongoing witch hunt against former President Trump, and they lied to the American people about what they knew and when they knew it. Here with big breaking news, he’s the editor-in-chief at Just The News.com. It’s a big story because they knew. They told us they didn’t know anything. The Biden White House knew.

Solomon: Not only did they know, they are pushing the investigation. They gave permission to the national archives to send the original boxes of documents to Donald Trump- that had been sent archives back- to the FBI.

That launches the criminal investigation. They then give the archives, the permission, or Joe Biden’s blessing to wave the president’s best legal defense by saying you can’t claim executive privileges because the current president will not allow it to happen. All that occurs long before a grand jury drops a subpoena on President Trump’s lawyers in May and June and long before the raid.

The Biden White House is at the ignition point of this investigation, and it’s ironic because, if you remember, back in 2019, and 2020, the Biden Democrats were complaining about efforts to start an investigation of Hunter Biden.

Now they are caught doing the same thing, trying to push an investigation of their political rival, the opposition leader of the party. Likely to face him in 2024.

Solomon went on to describe his evidence: “This is a letter from the National Archives of America to President Trump’s lawyer around May 10 and lays out the role of the Biden administration. The General Counsel was involved and authorized the release of the documents to the FBI and that is what started the criminal investigation and probe and it then authorized telling the Trump attorneys that they will not be able to use executive privilege and also telling the FBI- you can take these records without executive privilege fight- so go use them, so they not only started the process they facilitated by taking away one of the President’s potential defenses.”

Solomon talked about Attorney Alan Dershowitz who said he was deeply concerned about this because the Biden administration did not have to be involved, and the FBI could have gone to court and tried to compel this stuff instead, but they tried to take a shortcut and boosted the guy who might be running against Donald Trump in 2024 and gets the record through the back door.

It is standard practice to use less force, Hannity said, citing news reports and investigations into why Trump’s family home was raided and ransacked in the way it was. In the same broadcast, Hannity talked to Solomon about whether or not the FBI lied to the Magistrate who signed off on the raid in the first place, who is also being targeted for his obvious conflict of interest with Trump in the first place.

“There is so much we don’t know about the involvement of the government in this raid, but tonight we have a new fact that the Biden White House can no longer claim that they didn’t know, and they can not claim they were not a part of facilitating the raid. In fact it goes back to April and May. That is no longer in doubt,” Solomon said to Hannity in closing.


Last week Hannity, a long-time defender of the FBI, confessed that even his ironclad support of the organization was suffering because of what he has seen lately.

“Many of you tonight are very angry, rightfully so. The FBI is blatantly targeting our fellow Americans for their political beliefs. The bureau’s reputation has been shattered. My faith in an organization – I’ll be honest is damaged. I have revered this organization for decades of my life. If you listen to my radio show, watch this show, you know my love of law enforcement. It is now pretty much been utterly destroyed.

And more specifically, I just do not trust, nor do I think anybody should be able to trust high, ranking people that have now perpetuated those people at the top of the FBI. The Trump Russia conspiracy theory hoax, it was all a lie for years.

They knew it was a lie. They kept perpetuating the lie.

Those that purposely lied to FISA court judges to spy on a presidential candidate and a president again and again and again. They have hurt this institution.

We needed institutionalized reforms. We didn’t get that. They protected corruption. They protected the deep state.

The raid on the former president’s private home is shocking. It is wrong. It is a clear and gross abuse of power and corruption…”

Source: The Republic Brief