Hamas tells people not to film rocket launch sites FROM THEIR HOMES and asks them to be human shields!

Hamas is asking ordering people not to film rocket launch sites from their homes because it harms their resistance:

So Hamas has a Twitter account but Trump doesn’t? How does that work?

As Israel’s Mossad points out, why are there rocket launch sites near their homes? Well we all know the answer to that:

It’s no doubt because of this that they are ordering people not to reveal their launch sites:

Here’s a tweet from the IDF pointing out how Hamas is using children as human shields:

Notice one of those buildings is a hospital.

Not only are they using their own children as human shields, they are killing Israeli kids with their rockets:

I’ll end with this tweet of all the Hamas leaders who have been killed by IDF this week:

Just a drop in the bucket I’m sure. Israel must not stop until they are all wiped out.

Source: The Right Scoop