A Guide To Trump’s Inaugural Events

Inauguration By Hanna Kozlowska  | QZ

Every presidential inauguration season, Washington DC turns into a party town. From the night before the inauguration through the day itself, there are dozens of balls, galas, and parties that people gathered in the US capital can attend, regardless of their partisan stripe. Real estate mogul Tom Barrack, a close friend to president-elect Donald Trump and head of his inaugural committee, said that the actual inauguration will have a “soft sensuality” and “poetic cadence.” The surrounding blowouts are sure to be more rambunctious.
Here’s a guide to the main events:

Official inaugural parties

President-elect Donald Trump will attend several balls around inauguration day, but specific details regarding which ones have yet to be confirmed. Barrack announced that there would be three official inaugural galas, one of which, the “Commander-in-Chief” ball, will honor the US military. Two of the balls will be held at the Washington Convention Center.
The Trump team is cutting back on inauguration celebrations compared to past presidents—Barack Obama attended nine balls during his first inauguration.“This is a workman-like inaugural. This is not a coronation,” inaugural committee spokesman Boris Epshteyn told ABC.
There have been multiple reports that the committee has had trouble finding big names to perform at the inaugural events, although the Trump team insists the lack of popular big stars of the entertainment business is intentional. Instead of stars like Elton John, who reportedly rejected an invitation, attendees will get to hear the beautiful voice of  Jackie Evancho, a winning contestant on “America’s Got Talent.”
Quartz reached out to the inaugural committee for comment, and we will update this post as soon as more details about the official parties are released.
The most controversial party in town

The “DeploraBall,” the most contentious inaugural event, will take place on Jan. 19 at the National Press Club in … >>> Continue Reading at QZ