Grassley on Hunter Biden: We Need to Know if There’s ‘Blackmail Opportunity for China’ Against Joe Biden

During a Monday appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) discussed the importance of investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings with businessmen and government officials in China.

Grassley said it was necessary to know if there was “any sort of blackmail opportunity for China against the United States” because of President Joe Biden’s son’s relationships.

“What I and Senator Johnson have done at this point is bring out the facts and the bank records that prove that there was a close relationship between Hunter Biden, maybe James Biden, and business people in China that have close contacts with the communist party and with the military there,” Grassley explained. “And so, what’s concerning to us — we release all these documents. What’s concerning to us is — is there any sort of blackmail opportunity for China against the United States because of those close working relationships? I say it’s concerning.”

“We don’t have any records that would prove anything along that line, but when you have people high up in the Chinese government and business community, and you know what they want to do is they want ins in the United States for their own political benefit, then that’s concerning,” he continued. “But we can only expose the records that show that $5 million went from people in China to … Hunter Biden.”

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Source: Breitbart News