Gordon Sondland, ex-Trump ambassador, sues Mike Pompeo for $1.8M in impeachment trial legal fees

A central figure in President Donald Trump’s first impeachment filed a $1.8 million lawsuit Monday against former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for legal fees.

Gordon Sondland, a hotel magnate who served as Trump’s ambassador to the European Union, contends Pompeo assured him his legal fees would be covered when he was subpoenaed for testimony about Trump’s dealings with Ukraine. “After Pompeo learned what Ambassador Sondland’s testimony was before Congress during the 2019 Impeachment Inquiry — words that were entirely candid and truthful (but uncomfortable for the Trump Administration) — Pompeo reneged on his promise,” said the 21-page lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

A Pompeo spokesman called the lawsuit ludicrous and said Pompeo is confident the court would agree.

The Justice Department, which is also a defendant in the lawsuit, didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

During impeachment hearings, Sondland testified about Trump’s attempts to get Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate unsubstantiated corruption allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter who was involved with a Ukrainian gas company.

The House impeached Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, but the Senate acquitted him.

Sondland said in the lawsuit that he had to hire private attorneys on short notice for the intense examination by congressional committees. He testified for 17 hours before the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight and Reform Committees, the lawsuit said.

Sondland testified that he assured Ukrainian officials that a meeting would be arranged between Trump and Zelensky in exchange for investigations. Sondland testified there was a “quid pro quo” that Ukraine would receive military aid in response to investigating Biden, who was Trump’s Democratic opponent in the presidential race.


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Source:American Military News