Fox News Hosts Get Into Live Fight Over FBI’s Treatment Of Trump vs Hillary

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Tensions are rising among Democrat public relations- pundits who are starting to realize how damaging the recent FBI raid is to the already feeble Democrat party and their chance to hold the Presidency in 2024.  The terrible PR  for Democrats may be even more disastrous in the upcoming November mid-term elections.

The blowout that has been done by DOJ head Democrat Merrick Garland has emboldened President Donald J. Trump and his supporters and has lambasted the opponents of the America First movement.

And elections are less than 90 days away. Polls show that Republicans and Independents are unified and growing closer together. This raid has pushed the two groups together against a common enemy- the out-of-control administrative state.

And the Democrats are not going to be able to create a new narrative for themselves in time to save their party. They can’t even focus on what they are doing.

As seen on Fox News recently, voices were raised to a screech in defense of failed Presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton, as recent actions by the FBI show the difference in ways Republicans are treated, and specifically how President Donald J. Trump has been unfairly targeted.

And how Clinton was left off after committing many crimes against the American people.

‘She Was Punished’: Fox News Contributors Get Into Shouting Match Over FBI’s Treatment Of Trump Versus Hillary Clinton,” the Daily Caller reported after an interchange between pro-leftist  Jessica Tarlov and  Trump supporter Sean Duffy.

“She lost the presidency,” Tarlov said about Clinton’s alleged ‘punishment.”

Fox News contributor Jessica Tarlov said the Republicans are “unfit” to regain control of Congress due to their lamenting over the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on Monday. Contributor Sean Duffy made the case that Trump and Republicans have continuously been targeted, ranging from the Russian collusion investigation to the raiding of the former president’s home,” The Caller reported.

“To think that Donald Trump is being treated fair, I think Republicans have a long track record to go ‘no, the government and Democrats have not treated him fairly.’ And Jessica says this is about policy. You’re right, it is about policy,” Duffy responded. “Democrats have passed their agenda and their agenda has been horrible for the American people. Americans are getting crushed by the Democrat agenda.”

They were responding to the question of whether or not  Democrats can stay on a message ahead of the midterm elections after the disastrous FBI raid on Trump, Tarlovtried to say that Biden and the Democrats have some superiority on economic issues and that people were not going to care about this when they go to vote- hinting that there was nothing to be angry about at all.

That is when Tarlov showed that she couldn’t even focus on economic issues for 5 mins without flying into a rage.

“It is breaking the law,” Tarlov said. “It matters.”

“Not only did Donald Trump himself upgrade the punishment for doing this in 2018, making it a felony to mishandle classified information, but it looks like this man had in those 15 boxes that were taken out of our White House back in February- that he has documents containing information that was classified.

They were so classified that we could not even talk about what was contained in them. It is breaking the law; it matters,” Tarlov said.

“Jessica, hold on a second. He has documents, papers in boxes. The Chinese and the Russians can’t access those boxes of information. But Hillary Clinton’s server is public to the world,” Duffy responded.

“Guess what, she was punished!” Tarlov shouted. “She lost the election.”

“No, she wasn’t punished,” Duffy hit back. “Did they raid her home?”

“They didn’t need to because she cooperated like a normal human being,” Tarlov claimed.

“No, she did not cooperate,” Duffy argued.


The FBI opened two investigations into 30,000 deleted emails from Clinton’s private email server and her handling of classified information when she was Secretary of State. In the first investigation, former FBI Director James Comey declined to recommend that the former Secretary of State be charged in the case. However, the agency re-opened the case in late October 2016, just 11 days before the election, to determine whether newly discovered emails contained classified information.

Republican and some Democratic political figures have condemned the raid and accused the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) of politically weaponizing the investigation into the documents.

Shannon Bream, ending the segment, made a great point by saying:

“And Jessica, I will finish with this. I hear you moving away from those kitchen table issues. People are worried about their pocketbooks. They’re concerned about inflation. Real quick final thought can Democrats seize this moment To show that they care about those sky-high prices 100%.

Tarlov responded,  “and I moved away from that topic because we were discussing something else and it is relevant to what’s going on. But Democrats have been meticulously on message about this and that’s why you’ve seen a shift in the polls about it. ”

The Democrats are a hot mess, and this FBI raid is going to push them over the edge.

Source: The Republic Brief