Former GOP Rep. Mark Sanford talks possible Trump 2020 challenge

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:20 AM PT – Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Former South Carolina governor and congressman Mark Sanford recently outlined his main focuses if he does intend to run for president. In an interview Wednesday, the Republican politician cited the economic well being and financial stability of the U.S. as his primary motivations if he does formally launch a campaign.

This comes one day after he hinted at considering the uphill challenge to President Trump for the GOP nomination. Sanford, who has been an outspoken critic of the president, stated he would focus on the national debt and government spending issues he says are being largely ignored.


FILE -Former U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) is pictured in Mount Pleasant, S.C. (AP Photo/Bruce Smith, File)

“We need to have a robust conversation about what we believe in spending. I think that, you know, the idea of just simply saying ‘well if the guy at the top is not going to talk about we’re not going to talk about it,’ is a disservice to ourselves and those we love and more importantly to what the party stood for over a long period of time.”

Sanford was pushed out of office in 2018 by a primary challenger after the president urged voters not to support him —  calling him nothing but trouble. The former congressman said he will take the next month to decide whether to formally launch a campaign.