Former Clinton Pollster Predicts Biden Will Not Run In 2024

A pollster for former President Bill Clinton predicted that President Joe Biden might not run for re-election in 2024 during a Monday appearance on Fox News.

“I’ve always for a long time doubted whether President Biden was actually going to run for re-election,” Mark Penn told Fox News host Martha McCallum on “The Story.” “When you’re the president and you’ve even gotten to the midterms, you really need to tell everybody you’re running because you don’t want to be a premature lame duck.” (RELATED: Poll: Biden Slips Underwater In Deep Blue State For The First Time)

Penn expressed surprise at comments by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York that he described as “yanking the rug” out from under Biden.

“I mean first of all, I’m focused on winning the majority right now and preserving a majority this year in 2022, so we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview on CNN Sunday. “But I think if the President has a vision, then that’s something certainly, we’re all willing to entertain and examine when the time comes.”

Other Democrats have also been expressing doubt about whether Biden should seek another term, The New York Times reported.


“It’s a big mistake to do a campaign like this before the mid-terms,” Penn said. “Maybe the signal is he’s so negative, maybe we’ll do better in the midterms if people think he’s not running. It adds to a sense of Democratic disunity.”

Republican strategist Karl Rove also expressed doubts that Biden would be successful in 2024, pointing to Biden’s age.

“I think there’s a zero percent chance that the Democrats are going to nominate him, either because they don’t want to or he withdraws” Rove said. “He’s already struggling. We know that. This is a demanding job and physically it requires a lot, and the president is obviously already struggling.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Source: The Daily Caller