The ” Fire Mueller Plan” To Take Out President Trump?

Fire MuellerWill President Trump fire Mueller? Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate (likely bogus) allegations of Trump campaign collusion with Russia/and obstruction of justice.

Mueller has since expanded the scope of that investigation to include Donald Trump’s private/personal business records – a situation that is By

said to have enraged the President.

Rumors are now rampant that POTUS Trump is going to fire Mueller, something which would set off a political war the likes of which D.C. has not seen since Watergate – one which many feel would expedite Mr. Trump’s removal from office.

If Trump continues to fight he could risk losing everything. His family legacy would be in tatters.

The alternative would be a deal with the very Deep State government that would see him destroyed. Resign and go back to his former live – a life that would be greatly damaged but not beyond some measure of repair.

Remember the highly controversial D.C. Whispers report from yesterday that had a noted Pastor sharing a warning he received from a senior Republican member of Congress who said there was a Capitol Hill plot to “remove Trump suddenly from office – and there’s nothing that can be done to stop it.”

Threaten everything Donald Trump has built over the course of his seventy-plus years of life. Threaten that legacy, his children and grandchildren’s future – that is the wall POTUS Trump is now being pushed up against. The Establishment is attempting to force Mr. Trump to resign. If he should fire Mueller it would quite possibly set that very thing into motion for to fire Mueller would first require POTUS Trump to clean out the existing upper echelon of the Justice Department to find someone willing to issue that firing. The president does not have the power to fire Mueller.

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