Facebook Removes Greitens “RINO Hunter” Campaign Ad

Update (1333ET): Facebook on Monday removed Greitens’ video, saying that it violated “our policies prohibiting violence and incitement.”

In response, Greitens accused the tech giant of censorship

Facebook CENSORED our new ad calling out the weak RINOs. When I get to the US Senate, we are taking on Big Tech,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

Twitter, meanwhile, has not removed the video – but has instead added a notice that reads: “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about abusive behavior. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

The social media giant will also limit engagement with the post, preventing users from giving it a “like” , “reply” , or retweeting it.

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Missouri Republican Senate candidate and former Navy SEAL Eric Greitens has come under fire from both sides of the aisle over a campaign ad that paints Trump supporters as murderous “RINO” hunters.

I’m Eric Greitens Navy Seal, and today, we’re going RINO hunting,” he says, referring to so-called ‘Republicans in Name Only’ such as Mitt Romney and Evan McMullin.

“The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice,” he continues, before a team of militarized police breach an empty room. Greitens then tells people to “join the MAGA crew” and “get a RINO permit.”

“There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.”

In other words, “Hello fellow violent MAGAs!”

The ad comes as Congressional Democrats are pushing for more gun control – particularly “red flag” laws to take weapons away from anyone deemed to be an ‘unhinged gun nut,’ and one day after Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a RINO, claimed that he received a letter threatening to “execute” his family, including his 5-month-old baby.

It didn’t take long for left-leaning websites such as the Drudge Report to jump on it:

Meanwhile, many on the right were appalled at the ad.

Why then did you make the MO Capitol a gun free zone, bash the Second Amendment Preservation Act using verbatim Mom’s Demand language, and refuse to support Constitutional Carry?” tweeted former NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch.

Others followed suit on both sides of the aisle:

Talk about handing out free gun control talking points.

Source: Zero Hedge