DOJ Notes Show FBI Panic After Trump Tweet Accusing Obama of Spying On Campaign

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

The American people have long suspected the US Department of Justice (DOJ) leadership of being a highly corrupted political body.

Many people believe the organization has been focused on gathering political power for themselves and their cronies.

Many people thought that President Donald J. Trump understood their corruption at a much deeper level than the average American did and was ready to go to battle with the group.

Americans have decried the law enforcement agency for years for altogether abandoning the people and the nation, which is much of the foundational support for Trump in the first place; that he was willing to facedown their government monsters and get some justice for them.

Both while Donald Trump was a candidate and when he was President of the United States, large masses of people believed that the DOJ  was more than a little corrupt. They were actually dangerous and detrimental to American liberty- and they most likely were right.

Evidence is starting to slowly come out through court documents from the investigations and court cases of Special Counsel John Durham, which prove the DOJ, among others, have been acting against the best interest of the people of the United States for the entire length of Trump’s political rise and his administration, and possibly during and after the 2020 election.

The EPOCH Times reported on the most recent developments which exposed the DOJ, and show that it was indeed Trump who spooked the group and caused them great fear, which possibly led to them over exposing themselves:

Newly released notes taken by high-level Department of Justice (DOJ) officials during March 6, 2017, meeting with FBI leadership expose some of the lengths the FBI went to to cover up its spying on the 2016 campaign of President Donald Trump.

The notes were released on May 8 by lawyers representing former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann as part of an effort to clear him on charges of having lied to the FBI.

The notes, in reality, appear to do little to exonerate Sussmann but do provide quite a bit of information on the FBI.

The meeting at which the notes were taken took place just two days after Trump’s March 4, 2017, tweet in which he accused former President Barack Obama of having wiretapped Trump Tower.

Trump’s tweet panicked FBI leadership, who were unsure exactly how much Trump knew about their efforts to tie him up with Russia collusion allegations.

“In the midst of these defenses, the sitting president accused the former president of ” ‘wire tapping’ a race for president prior to an election.”

“Terrible!” Trump tweeted. “Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” NPR reported in the early days of this scandal- rushing to defend the Democrat machinery.

What the notes reveal is that in response to the tweet, they tried to cover their tracks.

By March 2017, FBI leadership already knew with near-certainty that the Trump–Russia collusion claims were a hoax. They knew that Clinton’s campaign had a plan to vilify Trump by portraying him as a puppet of Putin. The FBI also knew that not a single claim in the so-called Steele dossier—which was the primary source of allegations of Trump–Russia collusion—had checked out.

In short, the FBI knew that all the claims of Trump–Russia collusion had proven to be fake.

But things took a sudden and dramatic turn on March 4, 2017, when Trump wrote that Tweet that he knew that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, a very public claim of spying that set off alarm bells with both FBI and DOJ leadership.

Trump’s tweet so alarmed these DOJ and FBI officials that the topic dominated a meeting two days later that included FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and the acting U.S. attorney general, Dana Boente.

Notes at the meeting were taken by three DOJ officials—Tashina Gauhar, Mary McCord, and Scott Schools.

These notes were released in conjunction with other notes that appeared to show  McCabe stated that Sussmann had represented clients when he took the Alfa Bank allegations to the FBI.

This is why the Democrats do not want to see anything else about notes or Trump’s tweets.

The notes reveal that the FBI repeatedly referred to Steele’s dossier as “Crown reporting,” suggesting the dossier represented some sort of official UK government intelligence.

On March 20, 2017, Clapper suddenly changed his narrative, shifting from denying the existence of any spying to denying any abuse of the FISA process.

Also on March 20, Comey publicly testified to Congress, revealing for the first time the existence of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump and his campaign.

The combined efforts of Obama intelligence officials and the FBI would soon culminate in the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, which essentially tied up Trump for the next three years. And in doing so, they ensured that little or no progress was made in bringing the actual perpetrators of the Russia hoax to justice.

Then-DOJ official Mary McCord wrote at the meeting that the FBI is “trying to determine what is behind POTUS tweets.”

Source: The Republic Brief


Source: InfoArmed