Disgusting Billboards Pop Up In California Mocking Uvalde Massacre

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Uvalde, Texas, was the scene of an attack by a lone gunman that left 21 people dead. The tragedy claimed the lives of 19 students and two adults.

The gunman was killed by police, but only after a long wait while commanders decided what to do.

It was just two days before summer break, according to Robb Elementary’s calendar, that the attack occurred. School classes were taught between grades 2 and 4, and about 600 students attended.

Now leftists in California are using the tragedy in an attempt to scare people from moving to Texas.

California residents have been urged not to move to Texas via bizarre billboards after the Uvalde school shooting.

FoxPoint Media advertisers leased one billboard at the intersection of Folsom and 7th Street in San Francisco, while more were seen in Los Angeles. A hooded and sunglasses-wearing man appeared in the advertisement, which referenced the May school massacre in Uvalde that killed two teachers and 19 children.

‘The Texas Miracle Died in Uvalde. Don’t move to Texas,’ its creepy message read.

“The slogan, ‘The Texas Miracle,’ highlights the former Lone Star state governor, Rick Perry, who managed to ‘boom’ the state’s economy during the Great Recession in 2008,” according to the Daily Mail.

Meanwhile, the prideful motto, ‘Don’t mess with Texas,’ stemming from an anti-littering campaign in 1986, was seen crossed out on the billboard.

‘Are these people happy that Uvalde happened?’ an angered social media critic said as some called the message a ‘disgusting use of political propaganda’ for ‘using the tragedy to their advantage.’

Others demanded to know who put up the sinister postings.

‘The anti-gun Californians are exploiting one of the worst tragedies of the year to deter people from moving to Texas—despite having their own tragedies and some of the strictest gun laws in the country.’ a shocked resident said.

‘Right. Because there’s definitely no violent crime in California,’ a person sarcastically stated.

The convoluted efforts were criticized by others: ‘What kind of low-life, sick-minded trash of a human being thinks these bulletin boards are ok?.’

In the meantime, another man said, ‘Anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that keeps Californians out of Texas I am in favor of.’

The billboards, which were posted without attribution, reflect the rivalry between Newsom and Abbott, as Californians flee the socialist-run state.

“About 280,000 more people left California for other states than moved here in 2021, continuing a decades-long trend,” the Mail reports.

Between 2018 and 2019, about 50,000 Californians moved to Texas per year, according to US Census Bureau data. Meanwhile, the number of people moving to California from Texas in those two years was about 35,000 per year.

With an estimated 39,185,605 residents at the end of the year, California is still the most populous US state, putting it far ahead of second-place Texas and its 29.5 million residents.

But after years of strong growth brought California tantalizingly close to the 40 million milestones, the state’s population is now roughly back to where it was in 2016 after declining by 117,552 people this year.

Several companies have also moved to Texas due to its low corporate taxes, at around 20 percent, making it one of the nation’s lowest.

“Texas is in the middle of the country, making it an attractive central hub for travel and communication. Corporate rent is also low in comparison to major US cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco,” the report continued.

About 250 companies have moved to the Lone Star state since Gov. Abbott took office, including Tesla, Oracle, and Joe Rogan’s production company.

Newsom has ramped up his 2024 campaign by criticizing Texas and Florida for their abortion laws and gun laws as the number of Californians leaving the state increases.

In July, Newsom ran ads in Texas newspapers asserting that gun violence is responsible for California’s child deaths.

If Texas can ban abortion and endanger lives, California can ban deadly weapons of war and save lives. If Governor Abbott truly wants to protect the right to life, we urge him to follow California’s lead,’ the ad proclaims.

Newsom put up the ad after another ran in Florida imploring people to move to the so-called Golden State.

‘I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight – or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom,’ the ad said.

Newsom announced this week that gas-powered vehicles will be 100% banned in California in 10 years. The announcement follows Joe Biden’s approval of a socialist climate change bill last week.

The ban will go into effect despite auto industry leaders warning that there may not be enough cars or charging infrastructure, or rare minerals for this even to be possible.

“California is set to roll out its long-awaited ban on new gasoline cars on Thursday, which is part of its rule to have all new cars sold by 2035 to be electric only in an effort to fight climate change, the Daily Mail reported.

Source: The Republic Brief