Dershowitz: Trump Raid ‘Improper’ — ‘This Is Misconduct’

Monday, on the heels of news that former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, FL was raided by the FBI, Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz criticized the raid as “misconduct.”

According to Dershowitz, a raid is the method of last resort, and the onus will be on the Biden administration to show justification, or anything obtained in the raid would be suppressed.

“The raid is supposed to be a last resort,” he said. “But this administration has used the weaponization of the justice system against its political enemies. It has arrested people, denied them bail, put them in handcuffs – used all kinds of techniques that are not usually applied to American citizens. I just hope this raid has the justification. If it doesn’t have the justification, the materials seized in it will be suppressed.”

“This is improper, and this is misconduct,” Dershowitz added. “We have to find out what the facts are. But we have to make sure the shoe fits on the other foot – that we want to make sure what is being one here is something that Democrats would not oppose if it were being done to Democratic operatives, as well.”

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Source: Breitbart News