Conservative Group Releases Ad Touting CNN’s Low Ratings, Trump Obsession

Club for Growth released an ad Wednesday to highlight the media establishment and CNN for their continued obsession with former President Donald Trump, in addition to their sinking rates.

The 60-second digital ad buy is meant to highlight “a number of self-proclaimed CNN ‘journalists’ including ‘Dodgey’ Don Lemon, Chris ‘Fredo” Cuomo, and Daniel ‘Defender of Democrats’ Dale,” the press release said.

The conservative group is looking to send a clear message to CNN for the news organization to “start covering news and stop the near-constant defenses.”

In addition, the website the group is launching,, will be used throughout President Joe Biden’s time in the White House in order to “highlight his failings and the liberal media that is working overtime to cover them up.”

Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a statement:

From just about every perspective CNN has reached a new low as they’ve seen both their ratings and credibility crater. We encourage the few Americans who still watch CNN to send the network a note and also change the channel – everyone else has.

The group is also looking to show the “many failures of liberal leaders like President Joe Biden and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the network breaking records with low ratings.”

The ad shows statistics that claim CNN’s “viewership has tanked,” and the news organization’s ratings are “down 70% without Trump.”

The narrator in the ad stated, “If you’re looking for hard news on rising inflation, hacked pipelines, and dreadful job reports or hard-hitting fact checks on Biden’s radical new plan to make things worse, chance the channel.”

“Everyone else has, tell CNN to cover the news and stop cheerleading for liberal politicians,” the narrator continued to say later in the ad.

Source: Breitbart News