Computer Repairman Reveals What Happened on the Fateful Night He Met Hunter Biden

When Hunter Biden entered John Paul Mac Isaac’s computer repair shop, he reeked of alcohol and entitlement. He was carrying three MacBook Pros, and even though it was 6:50 p.m. and Mac Isaac’s business, The Mac Shop in Wilmington, Del., closed at seven, he expected full service. Mac Isaac, who is publishing an entire book, American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth, about Hunter’s laptop and his ordeal over being accused of disseminating Russian disinformation, has now revealed exactly what happened on that fateful night.

When Hunter “stumbled” into The Mac Shop, Mac Isaac thought, “What kind of person expects quality service right before closing time?” Why, a Biden, of course.

Sizing up Hunter, Mac Isaac thought, “Great. Another one who thinks the world revolves around them,” even before he knew who he was. Hunter, meanwhile, assumed that Mac Isaac did know who he was, or that he should if he didn’t: “I opened my customer relationship management software (CRM) and asked him for his first name. ‘Hunter,’ he said. I then asked him for his last name. He paused and looked at me funny, as if I were from another country and how dare I not know who he was? ‘Ah, Biden,’ he responded, with a sarcastic edge.” Of course. If Hunter was trading off his family name to land a lucrative position with a Ukrainian gas company and move in circles where his very name would open doors to people who wanted to use him to gain access to his father, it’s understandable that he would be surprised and miffed to encounter someone who had the temerity not to know who he was.

Hunter told Mac Isaac, “I need the data recovered off these, but they all have liquid damage and won’t turn on.” Mac Isaac “pulled out an external keyboard and asked for permission to log in.” He recalls that at that point, Hunter began to laugh and explained, “My password is f**ked up. Don’t be offended!” It was, he said, “analf**k69,” although he was so drunk that he wasn’t speaking all that clearly (or maybe it was just a stutter), and so Mac Isaac wasn’t sure he had heard him correctly. (The smart money, however, is on the likelihood that he heard classy Hunter perfectly well). Mac Isaac recalls, “My eyes widened a bit, and I told him that maybe it would be best if he tried to log in himself.”

After Biden left the shop, Mac Isaac set to work on recovering the files from the damaged laptop, and that’s when the job took on new hazards. “It took only a few files,” Mac Isaac notes, “before I noticed pornography appearing in the right column.” He explains that this was a “vocational hazard” that he had encountered more than once when repairing computers, but that Hunter’s stood out from the rest. “I was a little amazed by the sheer quantity though, and by the boldness of leaving porn files on one’s desktop.”

Then he started to get to Hunter’s selfies. “The preview image in the right column was clearly displaying the customer. He was wrapped in a red scarf and wearing what looked like a jock strap. I couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘How embarrassing!’ I thought. ‘Who on God’s earth would feel comfortable with this lying around on their desktop?’” Well, an irresponsible crack addict, for one.

Related: SMOKING GUN: Hunter Biden Paid Joe’s Bills, Joe Benefited From Shady Business Dealings

“It wasn’t just him alone either,” recalls Mac Isaac. “Although it looked like he was having a love affair with himself, there also were photos with women.” And then came something of an entirely different kind.

“I continued copying files until I got to one titled ‘income.pdf,’” writes Mac Isaac. “I likely wouldn’t even have noticed it if it hadn’t been tagged with a purple dot. On a Mac, you can apply tags, or color codes, to files as an organizational aid. It seemed odd that someone who clearly had zero organizational skills would bother tagging this one file purple. It was begging to be clicked open. So I did.” Mac Isaac found that it was “an email from January 16, 2017, saved as a PDF. At the top were the years 2013, 2014, and 2015. Next to each year was the amount of taxable income earned: $833,000+ in 2013, $847,000+ amended to $1,247,000+ in 2014, $2,478,000+ in 2015. I was blown away. All that money and this a**hole couldn’t spring for a backup drive!”

The figures involved were staggering. “Amounts that I could never even have imagined earning were broken down by the year,” recalls Mac Isaac. “Then I read, ‘Since you couldn’t have lived on $550,000 a year, you ‘borrowed’ some money from RSB in advance of payments.’” Over half a million a year was not enough.

After a while, Mac Isaac left the shop for the night, “but not before thoroughly washing my hands.” The rest, of course, is history: after Hunter never returned to reclaim his laptop, Mac Isaac turned it over to the FBI and then watched in dismay as even top intelligence officials dismissed its contents as Russian disinformation.

Mac Isaac was accused of being a Russian disinformation peddler and was harassed and threatened. He is now suing Adam Schiff, CNN, Politico, and The Daily Beast in response. Probably both he and Hunter Biden wish that the drunk and entitled scion of Delaware’s first family had never come into his shop that night.

Source: PJ Media


Source: InfoArmed