Commentary: NY Dem Tears Into Rep. Omar After She Accuses Israel of Terrorism for Defending Itself

The Democratic Party has a big, big anti-Semitism problem. You can concede nearly all criticisms hurled at the Trump-era Republican Party without ever undermining this glaring fact.

What does happen when we confront this undeniable problem among the high-profile members of the radical end of the Democratic Party, however, is the undermining of all claims as to the resemblance between Republican Party ideology and Naziism, that’s for sure.

To say nothing of the hard left’s relentless insistence that our nation’s history of systemic institutional racism — long since relegated to the past — is entirely inseparable from its founding philosophy.

After all, it was our founding philosophy that ultimately freed the slaves and ended segregation, and it was our commitment to the global pursuit of liberty that ended modern history’s most notorious anti-Semitic reign of terror in Nazi Germany.

There is a lot of room under the big tent of American bipartisanship (remember that?), but there is certainly no room for the same racist ideology that launched the Holocaust and that now rages against the nation of Israel — both from terrorist forces and from the governments of major Middle Eastern nations that make no secret of their determination to destroy the Jewish state.

This week, former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind went absolutely scorched-earth on fellow Democrat Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, who has ignited more than one firestorm over the blatantly anti-Semitic comments that have peppered the entirety of her tenure in the U.S. Congress.

In response to Omar’s characterization of Israeli missile strikes in Gaza as an “act of terrorism” this week, amid heavy rocket fire from the Palestinians into Israel, the fiercely pro-Israel Hikind issued a scathing reply to this inflammatory suggestion.

“Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism,” the squad member and House Progressive Caucus whip tweeted on Monday.

“Palestinians deserve protection,” she continued. “Unlike Israel, missile defense programs, such as Iron Dome, don’t exist to protect Palestinian civilians.”

It cannot be overstated how insane it is for a sitting member of the U.S. Congress to defend a terrorist group that is attacking one of our close allies — and then to accuse this ally of terrorism for defending itself.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Hamas has attacked Israel with more than 600 rockets since Monday, including one barrage of 137 missiles in less than five minutes amid land disputes over territory in East Jerusalem that could evict a half-dozen Palestinian families. Many of these rocket attacks have slammed civilians, as the Israeli Defense Force made clear in a tweet:

Omar is claiming that Palestine cannot defend itself — yet Hamas is certainly capable of acts of war against the Jewish state and in no uncertain terms invited the retaliation that has cost the lives of Palestinian civilians.

There is no moral high ground for Omar or any other apologists for the anti-Israeli insurgency.

So understandably, her outrageous comments were too much for Hikind, who replied with a video showing an armed Israeli police officer fend off stone-throwing rioters who The Times of Israel reported had been attacking a Jewish man who had wrecked his car after being targeted by the mob in Jerusalem on Monday.

“AND WHAT DO WE SEE IN THIS VIDEO, YOU DISINGENUOUS FAKER OF A ‘HUMANITARIAN’? HUH?” the former lawmaker replied to Omar’s tweet.


Hikind proceeded with a thread that gave a very different perspective to the violence in Israel from what Omar and the left-wing media would have you believe.

He followed this up by pointing to the fact that both Omar and the Palestinian terror group Hamas were trending on Twitter…together. “Need I say more?” Hikind said.

No. He need not say more.

Omar’s terrorist apologetics should not be tolerated in the Democratic Party — yet it seems that Hikind is one of the few willing to call her out with the bravado such a rebuke necessitates.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Source: Independent Journal Review