Cheney Says McCarthy Should ‘Absolutely’ Testify Before Jan. 6 Commission

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) says House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) should “absolutely” testify before the commission investigating the January 6 insurrection.

ABC’s Jon Karl noted during an interview scheduled to air Sunday, lawmakers have reached an agreement to form a commission to investigate the riots.

He asked Cheney, “Should Kevin McCarthy be willing to testify before that commission?”

Karl added, “After all, he is one of the few people that we know of that was actually talking to Donald Trump while the attack was taking place.”

Cheney replied, “He absolutely should and I wouldn’t be surprised if he were subpoenaed. I think he very clearly and said publicly that he’s got information about the president’s state of mind that day. The elements of that commission are exactly as they should be.”

Watch part of the interview below:

She explained, “I’m very glad they rejected Leader McCarthy’s suggestions that somehow we should dilute the commission. It’s really important that it be focused just on January 6th and the events leading up to it.”

Cheney told Karl she hopes McCarthy “doesn’t require a subpoena,” adding, “But I wouldn’t be surprised if he were subpoenaed.”

She was ousted by House Republicans from leadership earlier this week, as IJR reported.

During a House floor speech on Tuesday evening, Cheney blasted Trump for continuing to push his unsubstantiated voter fraud claims.

“We face a threat America has never seen before. A former president who provoked a violent attack on this Capitol in an effort to steal the election has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him,” Cheney said.

She added, “He risks inciting further violence. Millions of Americans have been misled by the former president. They have heard only his words, but not the truth, as he continues to undermine our democratic process, sowing seeds of doubt about whether democracy really works at all.”

Just hours after Republicans voted to oust Cheney, McCarthy told reporters he did not believe there was anybody “questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.”

Source: Independent Journal Review