Democrats Take Aim At Trump’s Nominees

Democrats_Chuck_SchumerBy Matt Vespa  | Townhall

Well, we knew fights on Capitol Hill were going to come and for Democrats —they’re first salvo will be against eight of President-elect Trump’s cabinet nominees. Ed O’Keefe at The Washington Post reported that Senate Democrats are planning to target eight nominations, extending their confirmation votes into March. One reason that Democrats are picking these fights is over taxes. Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he wants all of the president-elect’s nominees to turn over their financial information. Yet, O’Keefe added that Senate Democrats have also opened themselves up to attacks of hypocrisy concerning their rather deferential treatment towards Barack Obama’s nominees at the outset of his presidency:

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Steve Bannon – Trump’s Man Of The Year

Steve Bannon

David Horowitz and Matthew Vadum | FRONTPAGE

Steve Bannon didn’t have his picture on the cover of Time Magazine. TIME magazine named Donald Trump “Person of the Year” for 2016, and we could have done the same. But this would have been to over-simplify a victory that millions of Americans believe has brought this nation back from the brink of destruction, and has done so against what seemed impossible odds. In the just completed election campaign, a vicious partisan press substituted character assassination for reporting and joined malicious Democrats in demonizing Trump and his supporters as racists, sexists, Islamophobes, xenophobes and religious bigots, while dismissing the candidate as “unfit to sit in the White House.”

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Trump Says Sprint Bringing 5,000 Jobs Back To U.S.

Jason Pramuk | CNBC
President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday that Sprint will bring 5,000 jobs back to the United States from overseas, while another company OneWeb will add 3,000 jobs in the U.S.

Trump said the deal “was done through” SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, a Japanese billionaire and technology investor. Earlier this month, the pair announced in New York that SoftBank agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S. and aimed to create 50,000 jobs.

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Trump Inspires Congress To Cut Off Funding To U.N.

Congress is already setting the stage to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations in the wake of a contested vote last week in which the Obama administration permitted an anti-Israel resolution to win overwhelming approval, according to congressional leaders, who told the Washington Free Beacon that the current administration is already plotting to take further action against the Jewish state before vacating office.

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Obama Wouldn’t Have A Chance Against Trump

By Daniel John Sobieski | American Thinker

President Barack Obama, the Democratic leader who presided over the decimation of his party, now claims that he would have beaten Donald Trump if he had a chance to run for a third term. The problem is that Hillary Clinton ran as Obama’s third term, with the president’s active support and was rejected. That fact has yet to dawn on our narcissist-in-chief, who proclaimed, as the Los Angeles Times reported:

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Liberals Offended By “Thanks Trump” Tweet

Thanks Trump

By Charlie Spiering | Breitbart News |

The American economy is improving, and President-elect Donald Trump wants some credit for it.
“The U.S. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.7, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS!” he writes on Twitter.

“Thanks Donald!” he added, in an apparent attempt to kick off a slogan similar to the sarcastic “Thanks Obama” slogan that blamed the President of the United States for anything bad that happened.

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Scott Pruitt – Trump’s Superb Pick For EPA Chief

Scott PruittBy Jason Pye | FreedomWorks

Last week, President-elect Trump tapped Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency. In the past, Pruitt has sued the EPA, so it’s understandable that a quick analysis of the situation has left many people wary of this cabinet pick. Nonetheless, a closer investigation reveals that Pruitt is one of Trump’s best cabinet picks yet.

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Trump Right Again On Expanding Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear WeaponsBy Peter Pry | NewsMax

The liberal mainstream media is all aghast that President-elect Donald Trump is calling for “expanding and modernizing” the U.S. nuclear weapons deterrent; and if necessary winning a new nuclear arms race with Russia.

Even the usually fair and balanced Fox News has for three days (and counting) reported uncritically the view of the Arms Control

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Trump Asks Israel To Stay Strong

Israel FlagGeorge Barron | Reuters contributed to this article

On Wednesday, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump  scolded the Obama administration for abandoning America’s traditional siding with Israel. Trump used his twitter account to fire directly at the administration and to avoid any filtering by the administration. The tweet went out shortly before the U.S. secretary of state was set to deliver a speech regarding international opposition to Israeli settlement building.

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Trump Slams UN Vote Condemning Israel, US Abstains

United NationsBy George Barron | Contributing sources: The AP and Todd Beamon of NewsMax

Friday President-elect Donald Trump criticized the United Nations Security Council’s vote to condemn Israel for building and keeping settlements in the West Bank. He pledged that “things will be different” after he is officially inaugurated on January 20th.

Trump said on his FaceBook page and also tweeted portions of the following:

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