Breitbart Enters Film Distribution Business with ‘My Son Hunter’; Directed by Robert Davi, Starring Laurence Fox and Gina Carano

LOS ANGELES, California — Breitbart is announcing its first foray into scripted entertainment with My Son Hunter, directed by Robert Davi (Licensed to Kill, Die Hard, Goonies) and starring Laurence Fox (Victoria, Inspector Lewis, The Professor and the Madman), and Gina Carano (The Mandalorian, Dead Pool, Heist). The film follows the “smartest guy” the President of the United States knows as he navigates a tangled web of prostitution, partying, international business dealings, drugs, sex, Chinese spies, a laptop from Hell, Ukrainian oligarchs, more sex, more drugs, and, of course, his responsibilities to the leader of the free world. With midterm elections around the corner, select committee investigations and FBI raids on the home of a former president, the new film, My Son Hunter could not be more aptly timed.

The trailer will be released on August 26, 2022 and the film will follow on September 7, 2022, on and is available for Pre-Purchase NOW.

“Breitbart has always believed freedom flourishes with more voices, not less,” said Breitbart CEO Larry Solov. “As we begin distributing films, that belief will be a guiding light. In 2020, Big Tech colluded with the mainstream media to bury one of the biggest political scandals to protect their chosen presidential candidate. It was unprecedented and outrageous. My Son Hunter is a film they never wanted you to see, which is precisely why Americans must.”

“This is not a true story, except for all the facts.” That is the opening line of the brand new narrative film My Son Hunter. The line is delivered by Gina Carano, who not only plays a Secret Service agent, but also serves as a narrator of sorts, guiding viewers through the insane world of President Biden’s now infamous son, Hunter.

This slick looking film is not a documentary, but it may as well be, with a storyline built upon the unbelievable details of Hunter Biden’s personal life and corrupt business dealings that only those hungry for the truth may be aware of.

THIS is the story that the mainstream media and Big Tech hid from the American people. It’s also the film that had Hunter Biden’s attorney so nervous that he infiltrated the set during filming, posing as a documentarian.

Actor Laurence Fox plays Hunter Biden…..and friends. (Courtesy of

Working with producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney, and off a script from Brian Gadawa, My Son Hunter director Robert Davi went to great lengths to create a visually stunning world in order to present Hunter Biden on full display and with a sense of irony, comedy, and maybe even a tiny bit of dark humanity. Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow said, “Robert Davi is a true industry pro and has had a storied career in Hollywood, but what people might not know about him is that he was a friend to Andrew Breitbart, as well as the rest of us at Breitbart News. He’s made a wildly entertaining film that looks unlike anything that’s come out of the conservative movement.”

Director Robert Davi discusses a scene with Gina Carano on the set of My Son Hunter. (Courtesy of

“Working with Breitbart on this project made perfect sense to me. They’ve always been the first ones through the door, taking on the media, and waging the culture war,” Davi said. “Given my friendship with Andrew, it’s a poignant moment for me to have this film represent Breitbart’s entry into the world of cinema, especially since the establishment media covered up the story of Hunter Biden in the most cynical of ways.”

Hunter, who is played by Laurence Fox, finds himself doing all the wrong things in all the wrong places with all the wrong people, when he meets a young naive stripper. Grace Anderson (Emma Gojkovic) doesn’t know much about politics, but gets a crash course as she gets closer and closer to the son of President Biden (John James). My Son Hunter puts the lens squarely on Hunter, his corrupt business dealings, his relationship with his father, and a lifestyle that would make rock stars jealous. But through the haze of a crack pipe and above the din of the parties and the outbursts …somewhere lies the truth.

You can PRE-ORDER your copy of My Son Hunter RIGHT NOW at

Gina Carano as a Secret Service Agent. John James as President Joe Biden. (Courtesy of


Source: Breitbart News